Monday, July 2, 2012

Ciorba de pui a la grec / Greek chicken soup

Greek chicken soup

Ingrediente / Ingredients

  • 1 pui de 1 kg / 1 kg chicken
  • 2 morcovi (marime medie) / 2 carrots (medium size)
  • 1 radacina patrunjel (mare) / 1 parsley root (large)
  • 1 bucata telina (aproximativ 150 gr) / 1 piece of celery root (about 150 gr)
  • 1 lingurita piper boabe negru / 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 200 ml smantana / 200 ml cream
  • 150 ml lapte / 150 ml milk
  • 3 galbenusuri / 3 egg yolks
  • 60 gr orez / 60 g rice
  • 1 lamaie sau 1/2 lamaie / 1 lemon or 1/2 lemon 
  • 2 ardei iuti rosii proaspeti sau uscati (optional)/ 2 fresh or dried red chilies (optional) 
  • 2 lingurite sare / 2 teaspoons salt
  • 3 linguri ulei / 3 tablespoons oil
  • 1 lingurita marar tocat / 1 teaspoon chopped dill 
  • 1 lingurita frunze de patrunjel tocat / 1 teaspoon chopped parsley

  Mod de preparare / Preparation

  1. Se spala puiul bine, se taie bucati mari si se pune la fiert cu piperul in 2 litri jumate de apa rece impreuna cu zarzavaturile exceptand un morcov - vezi pasul 7) / Wash the chicken, cut it into big pieces and boil it with the pepper in 2.5 liters of cold water along with the vegetables (except for a carrot - see step7)
  2.  Se spumeaza din cand in cand, spuma formata in timpul fierberii / Remember to keep removing the foam formed during boiling.
  3.  Se adauga o lingurita de sare / Add a teaspoon of salt.
  4. In momentul in care nu mai face spuma se acopera si se fiebe timp de 1 ora / When the foam stops forming, cover and cook for an additional hour.
  5. In timp ce puiul si zarzavaturile fierb, se pune orezul la fiert cu multa apa si putina sare / While the chicken and vegetables cook, put the rice to boil with plenty of water and a little salt.
  6. Cand totul este fiert, se strecoara supa, carnea fiarta se da jos de pe oase si se rupe fasii / When everything is cooked, strain the soup, remove the meat off bones and tear it into strips
  7. Se rade morcovul si se caleste in 3 linguri de ulei pana este moale / Grate the carrot and saute into 3 tablespoons of oil until soft.
  8. Se adauga supa strecurata, fasiile de carne si ardeii iuti (taiati in doua pe verticala) / Now add the strained stock, meat that has been stripped along with the red chillies (slit down the middle).
  9. Se continua fierberea la foc mic pentru a nu da in clocot / Continue cooking over low heat, not to boil.
  10.  Intre timp int-un bol se bat bine galbenusurile cu laptele iar apoi smantana / Meanwhile in a bowl, beat together the yolks with milk and cream.
  11. Se pun pe rand peste acest amestec vreo 6 polonice de supa amestecand cu telul dupa fiecare polonic pentru a nu se branzi compozitia / Over egg yolks mixture add 6 ladles of soup, stirring with whisk after each ladle making sure the mixture not to curdle.
  12. Se toarna cu totul in oala cu supa incet si amestecand tot timpul / Pour it slowly into the soup pot stirring constantly.
  13. Se adauga orezul fiert si scurs, sucul de lamaie (dupa gust) si 1 lingurita de sare / Add the cooked and drained rice, lemon juice (to taste) and 1 teaspoon of salt.
  14. Se mai lasa la foc mic inca 15 minute / Leave it over low heat 15 more minutes.
  15. Se presara marar si patrunjel tocat marunt / Sprinkle chopped dill and parsley.

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