Monday, March 25, 2013

Clatite la cuptor cu branza dulce si sos de vanilie / Baked crepes with cottage cheese and vanilla sauce



  • 3 oua / 3 eggs
  • zahar pudra dupa gust / sugar to taste
  • 250 ml lapte / 250 ml milk
  • apa minerala (cat este necesar) / sparkling water (as needed)
  • 50 gr unt topit sau 50 ml ulei / 50 gr melted butter or 50 ml oil
  • faina (300 gr, 500 gr. in functie de cate clatite doriti) / flour (300 gr or 500 gr according to how many crepes you choose to make)
  • razatura de lamaie, portocala sau ambele / lemon zest, orange zest or both
  • 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1 tsp vanilla essence 
Umplutura / Filling

Pentru 15 clatite mai mici sau 9-10 clatite mai mari / For 15 small size crepes or 9-10 bigger size crepes

  • 500 gr branza de vaci dulce / 500 gr cottage cheese
  • 100 gr zahar pudra / 100 gr powdered sugar
  • 1 ou / 1 egg
  • 3 linguri smantana / 3 tbsp cream
  • 50 gr stafide / 50 gr raisins
  • 200 ml lapte / 200 ml milk
  • 2 lingurite esenta rom / 2 tsp rum essence
  • coaja de lamaie, portocala sau ambele / lemon zest, orange zest or both
  • 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1 tsp vanilla essence 
Sosul de Vanilie / Vanilla sauce

  • 5 galbenusuri / 5 egg yolks
  • 4 lingurite de zahar vanilat / 4 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 5 linguri zahar pudra / 5 tbsp powdered sugar
  • 2 linguri smantana / 2 tbps cream 
Bezea / Meringue

  • 5 albusuri / 5 egg whites
  • 100 gr zahar tos / 100 gr granulated sugar
Ingrediente extra / Extra ingredients

  • 50 gr unt pentru tapetat tava si pentru a pune cateva bucatele peste clatite / 50 gr butter for greasing tray and to put a few pieces over crepes
  • 50 gr ciocolata neagra rasa / 50 gr grated dark chocolate 
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

Clatite / Crepes

1. Intr-un coastron se bat ouale impreuna cu esenta de vanilie / In a bowl beat the eggs together with vanilla essence.

2. Se adauga razatura de lamaie, portocale, zaharul, faina, laptele si se amesteca continuu cu ajutorul unui tel pentru a nu face cocoloase / Add lemon zest, orange zest, sugar, flour, milk and mix continuously with the help of a whisk so as not to make lumps.

3. Peste acest amestec se adauga apa minerala amestecand in continuare pana rezulta o compozitie asemanatoare smantanii lichide / Over this mixture add sparkling water, mixing continuously, until the result is a similar mixture like that of liquid cream.

4. Se incalzeste o tigaie non stick la foc mediu. Se unge usor  cu putin unt. Se adauga un polonic mic de aluat si se agita pentru a acoperi tigaia. Se prajeste pana cand partea inferioara a clatitei este maro aurie, 2 sau 3 minute / Heat a  nonstick skillet over medium heat. Lightly coat with butter. Add a small ladle of batter and swirl to completely cover the skillet. Cook until underside of crepe is golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes.

5. Slabiti marginea clatitei cu ajutorul unei spatula de cauciuc, apoi cu varful degetelor intoarceti-o rapid. Se prajeste inca 1 minut. Se scoate din tigaie si se repeta cu aluatul ramas / Loosen edge of crepe with a rubber spatula, then with your fingertips, quickly flip. Cook 1 minute more. Slide crepe out of skillet and repeat with remaining batter.

6. Clatitele se pot umple cu diferite umpluturi cum ar fi: gemuri de diferite fructe, nutella cu frisca, nutella cu banana, frisca cu fructe sau cu branza dulce dupa cum urmeaza: / You can fill the crepes with different fillings like: jams of different fruits, nutella with whipped cream, nutella with bananna, whipped cream with fruits or with cottage cheese as follows:

Umplutura / Filling

1. Se amesteca laptele cu romul si stafidele dupa care se pune la fiert timp de 2 minute / Mix the milk with the rum and raisins then boil for 2 minutes.

2. Se da deoparte si se lasa sa se raceasca dupa care stafidele se scurg si se pun peste branza de vaci / Keep it aside and let it cool then strain the raisins and add it to the cottage cheese.

3. Peste branza de vaci cu stafide se adauga oul, smantana, zaharul, razatura de lamaie si portocale si esenta de vanilie mixand pana rezulta o compozitie omogena / Over the cottage cheese with raisins add the egg, cream, lemon and orange zest and vanilla essence and mix until it results in a smooth mixture. 

4. Pe fiecare clatite se adauga din amestecul de branza de vaci rezultat si se ruleaza dupa cum se poate observa in urmatoarele imagini / On each pancake add the resulted cottage cheese mixture and roll it as u see in the following images.

5. Tapetam o tava cu unt si asezam clatitele una langa alta / Grease the tray with butter and place the crepes side by side.


6. Peste clatite punem cateva bucatele de unt / Over the crepes we put some pieces of butter.

Sosul de vanilie / Vanilla sauce

1. Galbenusurile le amestecam bine cu zaharul, smantana si zaharul vanilinat dupa care se toarna peste clatite si dam tava la cuptor timp de 10 minute in timp ce pregatim bezeaua / Mix the egg yolks well with sugar, cream and vanilla sugar then pour over the crepes and place the tray in the oven for 10 minutes while we prepare the meringue.

Bezea / Meringue

1. Albusurile se bat bine cu zaharul dupa care se toarna peste clatite si sosul de vanilie / Beat the egg whites with sugar and then pour it over the crepes and vanilla sauce.

2. Se da din nou la cuptor la foc mic pana se rumeneste bezeaua / Place it again in the oven on low heat until golden brown meringue.

3. Se servesc calde cu diferite topping-uri sau cu ciocolata rasa deasupra / Serve it hot with different toppings or grated chocolate.

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