Thursday, March 21, 2013

Prajitura cu ciocolata / Chocolate cake

Ingrediente / Ingredients

       Blat / Cake sponge

·        5 oua / 5 eggs
·        2 albusuri / 2 egg whites
·        120 ml lapte / 120 ml milk
·        50 ml ulei / 50 ml oil
·        150 g zahar / 150 g sugar
·        150 g faina / 150 g flour
·        30 g cacao neagra / 30 g dark cocoa powder
·        10 g praf de copt / 10 g baking powder
·        1 lingurita esenta vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Crema/ Cream

  • 250 g unt / 250 g butter
  • 150 g zahar pudra / 150 g powdered sugar
  • 150 g ciocolata neagra / 150 g dark chocolate
  • 100 g ciocolata cu lapte / 100 g milk chocolate
  • 150 g crema de alune(finetti/nutella) / 150 g chocolate-hazelnut spread (finetti/nutella)
  • 100 ml frisca / 100 ml whipping cream
     Glazura/ Frosting

·        120 g ciocolata neagra / 120 g dark chocolate
·        50 g unt / 50 g butter
·        50 ml frisca lichida/lapte / 50 ml whipping cream/milk

    Décor / Decoration
  • ciocolata alba / white chocolate
  • bombonele ciocolata / chocolate candies
  • SAU in functie de preferinte / OR according to your wish

Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

Blat / Cake sponge

1. Se separa ouale / Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites.
2. Galbenusurile se freaca cu zaharul pana devin cremoase,apoi se adauga laptele si uleiul si se omogenizeaza / Rub the egg yolks with the sugar until they become creamy and then add milk and oil until blend.

3. Se cerne faina,cacaua si praful de copt si se amesteca / Sift the flour, cacao powder, baking powder and mix.

4. Amestecul uscat se pune peste cel umed si se omogenizeaza / Put the dry mixture on top of wet mixture and mix until mixed well.

5. Se bat spuma tare,cu un praf de sare, cele 7 albusuri / Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until it form peaks.

6. Compozitia din galbenusuri se toarna peste albusuri si se amesteca cu grija, de la margine spre interior.Trebuie sa se omogenizeze foarte bine,dar sa nu se lase spuma / Pour yolks composition over the egg whites and mix it carefully, from the edges to interior. Has to blend very well but not to lose its fluffyness.

7. O tava dreptunghiulara (30x22) se tapeteaza cu hartie de copt si se toarna compozitia. Tava se introduce in cuptorul preincalzit pentru aproximativ 45 minute,la foc mediu. Se lasa la racit,in cuptor,cu usa intre-deschisa.Se scoate din tava si se taie in 3 pe orizontala / Line a  (30x22) rectangular tray with baking paper and pour in the composition. Place the tray in the preheated oven for approximately 45 minutes over medium heat. Let it cool in the oven with oven door open in between. Take it out of oven and cut it horizontally into three.

Crema / Cream

1. Ciocolata se topeste la bain-marie / Melt the chocolate on a bain-marie.

2. Untul moale se mixeaza cu zaharul pudra pana devine cremos / Mix the soft butter with the powdered sugar it until turns out creamy.


3. Peste unt se toarna crema de alune si ciocolata topita si se omogenizeaza foarte bine / Pour the hazelnut spread (nutella) and melted chocolate over the butter and mix well.

4. Dupa omogenizare se toarna in fir subtire frisca lichida,fara sa ne oprim din mixat / After mixing pour in the whipping cream as a thin drizzle without stopping the mixing.

Glazura / Frosting

1. Ciocolata se amesteca cu untul si frisca lichida/laptele si se topeste pe bain-marie / Mix the chocolate with the butter and liquid whipping cream or milk and melt it on a bain-marie.

Asamblare / Assembly

1. Pe un platou dreptunghiular se aseaza prima foaie de blat, 1/2 din cantitatea de crema, apoi foaia din mijloc,restul de crema si ultima foaie / On a rectangular tray place the first cake sponge, ½ of the cream, middle cake sponge, rest of the cream and last cake sponge.

2. Prajitura se lasa la frigider cel putin 3 ore / Let it cool in the fridge atleast 3 hours.
3. Dupa racire se taie prajitura pe lungime, in jumatate,apoi fiecare jumatate in felii pe latime / After gets cold cut the cake lengthwise into two and after every half cut  into slices crosswise.
4. Peste fiecare felie se toarna glazura lichida si se lasa sa se prelinga pe margini, dupa care se decoreaza / Over every slice pour the liquid frosting and let it roll off the edges and then decorate.

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