Monday, December 31, 2012


Ingrediente / Ingredients
  • 6 galbenusuri / 6 egg yolks
  • 225 g zahar / 225 g sugar
  • 500 g mascarpone / 500 g mascarpone cheese
  • 500 g frisca lichida, racita / 500 g heavy cream, chilled
  • 1 lingurita esenta vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 750 ml expresso preparat / 750 ml brewed expresso
  • 6 albusuri / 6 egg whites
  • 50 – 60 piscoturi / 50 to 60 ladifingers
  • pudra de cacao / cocoa powder
Mod de preparare / Method of Preparation

1. Galbenusurile si zaharul se bat pe bain marie pana cand amestecul este galben pal si panglici groase cad de pe tel / In a mixing bowl set over but not touching a pan of simmering water, beat the egg yolks and sugar until the mixture is pale yellow and thick ribbons fall from the whisk. 
2. Amestecul se transfera in bolul unui mixer / Transfer the mixture to the bowl of an mixer. 
3. Se adauga mascarpone si se bate pana cand crema este fina si cremoasa / Add the mascarpone cheese and beat until smooth and creamy.

4. Intr-un castron mare si racit se bate frisca si se adauga esenta de vanilie / In a chilled large mixing bowl, beat the cream and add the vanilla essence. 

5. Se bat albusurile / Beat the egg whites. 

6. Cu o spatula se amesteca usor albusurile batute in amestecul de mascarpone / With a  spatula, gently fold the beaten egg whites into the mascarpone mixture.

7. Se adauga frisca si se amesteca usor pana cand amestecul este fin / Add the whipping cream and fold gently until the mixture is smooth.

8. Se inmoaie pe rand cate un piscot in cafea (a nu se inmuia prea tare) si se aseaza pe o tava pana este acoperit tot fundul tavii / One at a time, soak ladyfingers in coffee (don't oversoak) and place in a pan to layer bottom completely.

9. Peste piscoturile inmuiate  se intinde jumatate din amestecul de mascarpone pana cand este acoperit uniform / Spread half of the mascarpone mixture over the soaked ladyfingers until evenly covered.

10. Peste crema de mascarpone se adauga inca un strat de piscoturi inmuiate dupa care se intinde uniform crema de mascarpone ramasa / Arrange another layer of soaked ladyfingers over the mascarpone cream, then spread the remaining mascarpone cream evenly over the top. 

11. Tiramisu se pudreaza cu pudra de cacao pentru a crea un toping bogat si de culoare inchisa / Dust the Tiramisù with cocoa powder to create a rich, dark topping. 
12. Inainte de a fi servit se da la frigider macar 4 ore sau 1 zi / Refrigerate at least 4 hours or up to 1 day before serving.