Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Curry de miel aromat cu orez condimentat / Fragrant Lamb Curry with spiced Rice

Ingrediente / Ingredients

  • 1 ceapa mare, taiata in sferturi / 1 large onion, quartered
  • 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 ardei iute verde, injumatatit si cu semintele indepartate / 1 fresh green chilly, halved and seeded
  • 5 cm bucata radacina de ghimbir proaspat / 5 cm piece fresh root ginger
  • 1 lingura unt clarificat / 1 tbsp ghee
  • 1 lingura ulei vegetal / 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 675 g umar sau pulpa de miel dezosata, taiata in bucati /  675 g  boned shoulder or leg of lamb, cut into chunks
  • 1 lingura coriandru macinat / 1 tbsp ground coriander
  • 2 lingurite chimion macinat (atentie!!!chimion NU chimen) / 2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 bat de scortisoara, rupt in 3 bucati / 1 cinnamon stick, broken into 3 pieces
  • 150 ml iaurt gros natural (simplu) / 150 ml thick natural (plain) yogurt
  • 150 ml apa / 150 ml water
  • 75 g caise uscate, taiate in bucati / 75 g ready-to-eat dried apricots, cut into chunks
  • sare si piper negru / salt and black pepper
Pentru orez / For the rice

  • 250 g orez basmati / 250 g basmati rice
  • 6 pastai de cardamom, despicate / 6 cardamom pods, split open
  • 25 g unt, taiat in bucati mici / 25 g butter, cut into small pieces
  • 45 g nuci caju prajite sau fulgi de migdale / 45 g toasted cashew nuts or flaked (sliced) almonds 
Pentru decor / For the garnish

  • 1 ceapa, feliata si prajita pana devine aurie / 1 onion, sliced and fried until golden 
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Se inmoaie un vas de lut mare in apa rece timp de 20 de minute dupa care se scurge. Se pune ceapa, usturoiul, ardeiul iute si ghimbirul intr-un robot de bucatarie sau blender si se blenduieste impreuna cu  15 ml de apa pana se obtine o pasta omogena.
Soak a large clay pot in cold water for 20 minutes, then drain. Place the onion, garlic, chilli and ginger in a food processor or blender and process with 15 ml water, to a smooth paste.

2. Se incalzeste untul clarificat si uleiul vegetal intr-o tigaie mare. Se prajesc bucatile de miel pe rand la foc mare pana se rumenesc. Se scot din tigaie folosind o spumiera si se pun deoparte.
Heat the ghee and vegetable oil in a heavy frying pan. Fry the lamb chunks in batches over high heat until golden brown. Remove from the pan using a slotted spoon and set aside.

3. Se razuieste pasta de ceapa in uleiul ramas din tigaie, la care se adauga coriandrul si chimionul macinat, bucatile de scortisoara si se prajeste timp de 1-2 minute amestecand constant cu a lingura de lemn.
Scrape the onion paste into the remaining oil left in the frying pan, stir in the ground coriander and cumin, add the cinnamon stick pieces and fry for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.

4. Se adauga din nou carnea in tigaie dupa care treptat se adauga cate o lingura iaurtul amestecand cu o lingura de lemn dupa fiecare lingura de iaurt adaugata. Carnea se condimenteaza bine cu sare si piper si se adauga apa.
Return the meat to the frying pan, then gradually add the yogurt, a spoonful at the the time, stirring well between each addition with a wooden spoon. Season the meat well with plenty of salt and pepper and stir in the water.

5. Continutul tigaii se transfera in vasul de lut pregatit, se acopera cu capacul si se pune in cuptorul neincalzit. Se seteaza cuptorul de 180 ̊ C / cuptor nivelul 4 si se gateste 45 de minute.
Transfer the contents of the frying pan to the prepared clay pot, cover with the lid and place in the unheated oven. Set the oven to 180 ̊ C/Gas 4 and cook for 45 minutes.

6. Intre timp se prepara orezul basmati. Orezul se pune intr-un castron, se acopera cu apa rece si se lasa la inmuiat timp de 20 de minute. Se scurge si se pune intr-o oala mare de apa clocotita cu sare, se readuce la fierbere si se fierbe timp de 10 minute. Se strecoara si se amesteca cu pastaile de cardamom despicate.
Meanwhile prepare the basmati rice. Place it in a bowl, cover with cold water and leave to soak for 20 minutes. Drain the rice and place it in a large pan of boiling salted water, bring back to the boil and cook for 10 minutes. Drain and stir in the split cardamom pods.

7. Vasul de lut se scoate din cuptor si se amesteca cu bucatile de caise uscate. Se ingramadeste orezul fiert deasupra carnii de miel si se puncteaza cu unt (vezi foto).  Deasupra se presara nucile caju sau fulgii de migdale. Vasul de acopera, se reduce temperatura cuptorului la 150 ̊ C/ cuptor nivelul 2 si se gateste carnea si orezul inca 30 de minute.
Remove the clay pot from the oven and stir in the chopped ready-to-eat apricots. Pile the cooked rice on top of the lamb and dot with the butter (see picture). Sprinkle  the cashew nuts or flaked almonds on top. Cover the pot, reduce the oven temperature to 150 ̊ C/ Gas 2 and cook the meat and rice for 30 minutes.

8. Capacul vasului se indeparteaza si cu o furculita se separa boabele de orez.
Remove the lid from the pot and fluff up the rice with a fork. 

9. Se scoate in boluri sau farfurii individuale, incalzite, apoi peste se presara feliile de ceapa prajita. Se serveste cu raita de iaurt si chutney de fructe proaspete.
Spoon into warmed individual bowls or plates, then sprinkle over the fried onion slices. Serve with a yogurt raita and a fresh fruit chutney.

Reteta inspirata din cartea Complete Indian Cooking de Mridula Baljekar, Rafi Fernandez, Shehzad Husain si Manisha Kanani
      Recipe inspired  from the book  Complete Indian Cooking by Mridula Baljekar, Rafi Fernandez, Shehzad Husain and Manisha Kanani

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Shahi Paneer

Ingrediente / Ingredients

  • 350 gr branza indiana (paneer) / 350 gr indian cheese (paneer)
  • 6 bucati nuci caju crude / 6 raw cashew nuts
  • 70 ml ulei sau unt clarificat / 70 ml oil or clarified butter
  • 75 g ceapa / 75 g onion
  • 150 g rosii  / 150 g tomatoes
  • 20 g shahi paneer masala / 20 g shahi paneer masala
  •  sare dupa gust / salt to taste  
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Se taie branza (paneer) in bucati triunghiulare / Cut cheese (paneer) into triangular shaped pieces.
2. Intr-un blender se face  pasta ceapa dupa care se fac pasta rosiile /  In a blender make a paste of onions then make a paste of tomatoes.
3. Se face o pasta din nuci caju cu putina apa / Make a paste of cashew nuts with little water.

4. Intr-o tigaie, se prajeste ceapa in ulei sau unt clarificat / In a pan fry onions in oil or clarified butter.

5. Se adauga piureul de rosii si se prajeste / Add tomatoes puree and fry.

6. Se adauga sare dupa gust si 20 g de shahi paneer masala, pasta de nuci caju, putina apa si se mai lasa putin la fiert / Add salt to taste and 20 g shahi paneer masala, cashew nuts paste, little water and simmer for some time.

7. Se adauga bucatile de branza (paneer) si se mai fierbe 5 minute / Add pieces of cheese  (paneer) and cook for 5 minutes.

8. Se serveste cu paranthas (lipie indiana) / Serve with paranthas (indian flat bread).