Saturday, July 14, 2012

Galuste cu prune / Plum Dumplings

Ingrediente (pentru 24 bucati)/ Ingredients (for 24 pieces)

  • 24 prune mici / 24 small plums
  • 500 gr branza de vaci / 500 g cottage cheese
  • 100 gr unt / 100 g butter
  • 6 linguri cu varf zahar / 6 tbsp sugar (full)
  • 200 gr gris / 200 g semolina
  • 1 esenta vanilie / 1 vanilla essence
  • 2 galbenusuri de ou / 2 egg yolks
  • faina cat cuprinde / flour as needed
Pesmetul /  Breadcrumbs
  • 200 gr pesmet auriu / 200 gr golden breadcrumbs
  • 100 gr unt / 100 g butter
  • 4 linguri zahar / 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 lingurita scortisoara / 1 teaspoon cinnamon

Preparare / Preparation

  • Freaca untul cu zaharul pana acesta se inmoaie / Mix the butter with sugar until it softens.

  • Adauga grisul si branza si  framanta  pana se omogenizeaza adaugand esenta si galbenusurile / Add cheese and semolina and knead by hand until the dough is homogenized,  adding vanilla essence and egg yolks.

  • Se framanta din nou si la final se incorporeaza faina obtinand un aluat careia ii puteti da usor forma de bila / Knead again, adding the flour, getting a dough which can easily be shaped into balls.

  • Pe masa de lucru dati cu putina faina si  infainati-va si mainile. Imparte aluatul in 24 de bucati egale / Powder the work table and the hands with a little flour. Divide the dough into 24 equal pieces.
  • Se modeleaza bile din fiecare bucata de aluat / Shape balls out of each piece of dough.
  • Intre timp se pune o oala mai mare plina cu apa pe foc pana la fierbere. Cand apa a clocotit se da  focul pe mic, astfel incat apa sa ramana fierbinte / Meanwhile, put a deep pot of water to boil. When the water start to boil reduce the flame so that the water stays hot.
  • Fiecare bila obtinuta se formeaza intr-un disc asezand o pruna in centru si  ridicati marginile inchizand aluatul in jurul prunei. Se freaca intre palme pentru a face o bila / Form a disk out of one of the balls and put a plum in the centre, raise the edges closing the dough around the plum. Roll it between your palms to give it back the shape of a ball.

  • Intr-o tigaie larga se topeste untul, adaugand pesmetul  si se prajeste la foc mediu, amestecand constant pana pesmetul este usor prajit, cca 2-3 minute. Se adauga zaharul si scortisoara si se stinge focul / In a large pan melt the butter, add breadcrumbs and fry on medium heat, stirring constantly until breadcrumbs are slightly toasted, about 2-3 minutes. Add sugar and cinnamon and  switch off  the heat.

  • Cand sunt  modelate toate galustele se aseaza pe rand in apa care fierbe (dar nu clocoteste) si se lasa sa fiarba pana se ridica la suprafata, cca 5 minute. Bilele se pot lipi usor de fund, asa ca se scutura usor oala din cand in cand / When all the dumplings are shaped, place them in the boiling water over low heat and let it simmer until they rise to the surface, about 5 minutes. Balls can easily stick to bottom, so gently shake the pot from time to time.

  • Se scot bilele  cu o paleta cu gauri si se tavalesc prin pesmet / Remove the balls and roll them into bread crums mixture. 

  • Se servesc calde cu zahar si scortisoara / Serve them hot with additional sugar and powdered cinnamon.

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