Friday, July 20, 2012

Fusilli cu sunca de casa / Fusilli with homemade ham

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           Ingrediente / Ingredients

  • 500 gr. paste fusilli / 500 gr. fusilli pasta
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 8 catei de usturoi / 8 garlic cloves
  • 150 gr. sunca de casa taiata bastonase  / 150 gr. thick-cut (matchstick-sized slices) homemade ham
  • 1 cutie (400 gr.) rosii decojite cubulete in suc de tomate / 1 can (400 gr.) peeled diced tomatoes in tomato juice
  • ¼ lingurita praf de chilli / ¼ tsp. chilli powder
  • piper macinat dupa gust / ground pepper to taste
  • 8 frunze tocate busuioc proaspat / 8 fresh basil leaves, chopped
  • parmesan ras pentru servire / grated parmesan for serving

    Mod de preparare / Method of preparatio

    1. Se pun la incins intr-o tigaie wok 2 linguri de ulei de masline, se distuie cateii de usturoi taiati marunt la foc mic pana incep sa prinda o usoara culoare aurie / In a wok pan add 2 tbsp. of olive oil, fry over low heat the chopped garlic cloves until they start to catch a light golden colour.

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    2. Intre timp la foc mediu se fierb pastele conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj. Cand sunt fierte se strecoara si se lasa deoparte pana cand si sosul este gata / Meanwhile over medium heat cook the pasta as directed on  package. When it’s cooked strain it and set aside until sauce its ready.
    3. Peste usturoiul distuit se adauga sunca si se lasa la prajit 5-7 minute amestecand din cand in cand / Over fried garlic add the ham and fry them  5 - 7 minutes sirring occasionally.

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    4. Dupa ce sunca este usor prajita se adauga rosiile si se lasa la distuit pana cand amestecul devine mai gros iar sucul de rosii incepe sa se evapore  / After the ham its slightly roasted add the tomatoes and let them sauté until the mixture becomes thick and tomato juice begins to evaporate.

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    5. Cand sosul a ajuns la consistenta dorita se adauga piperul, praful de chilli si se amesteca continuu 2 minute / When sauce has reached desired consistency add the pepper, chilli and stir 2 minutes continiously.

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    6. Nu se adauga sare deoarce sunca de casa este sarata / Do not add salt because homemade ham it is salty.
    7. Se adauga frunzele de busuioc tocate si se amesteca / Add the chopped basil leaves and mix.
    8. La sfarsit se adauga pastele peste sos, se amesteca bine si se mai lasa inca 2-3 minute pe foc amestecand frecvent / At the end add the pasta over the sauce, mix well and leave it for another 2-3 more minutes on heat, stirring frequently.

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    9. Se presara  un plus generos de parmesan deasupra / Sprinkle with extra parmesan cheese.

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    !!! Daca sunca este prea sarata se tine mai intai in apa rece / If ham it’s to salty, keep it a little in cold water first.

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