Saturday, July 21, 2012

Smoothie de pere / Pear Smoothie

Smoothie de pere.jpg

Portii 3 / Serves 3

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

  • 350 g pere coapte (reci sau inghetate), decojite si taiate cubulete / 350 g ripe pears (cold or frozen), peeled and diced
  • 380 g iaurt semidegresat / 380 g  low fat yogurt
  • 2-3 linguri de miere organica / 2-3 tablespoons organic honey
  • 1 lingurita esenta de migdale / 1 teaspoon almond essence
  • 8 cuburi de gheata (optional) / 8 ice cubes (optional)
  • decoratuni (fulgi, bilute) de ciocolata / chocolate sprinkles
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation :

1. Se adauga perele, iaurtul, mierea si esenta de migdale intr-un blender impreuna cu cuburile de gheata / Add the pears, yogurt, honey and almond essence in a blender along with the ice cubes.
2. Dupa ce se adauga ingredientele, asigurati-va caci capacul blenderului este inchis bine pentru a avita un dezastru / After you add ingredients, make sure the lid of the blender is secure and shut tight to avoid a mess.
3. Se adauga miere in functie de gust / Add honey according to taste.
4. Blenderul se pune la cea mai mare viteza si ingredientele se blendeaza pana se omogenizeaza / Put the blender on the highest setting and blend the ingredients until smooth.
5. Se toarna in pahare si se decoreaza  fiecare pahar in parte cu decoratiuni de ciocolata / Pour into glasses and ganish each with chocolate sprinkles.

Smoothie de pere 1.jpg
Smoothie de pere 2.jpg
Smoothie de pere 3.jpg
Smoothie de pere 4.jpg

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