Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pui la gratar etiopian / Ethiopian grilled chicken

Pui la gratar etiopian.jpg

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

  • 1 kg de pui  (aripi, piept, pulpe) / 1 kg of chicken meat (full chicken, wings, chest, legs)
  • 2 linguri de ceapa rasa / 2 tablespoons ground onion
  • 1 lingurita usturoi ras / 1 teaspoon ground garlic
  • 4 linguri pline berbere (click) (se poate adauga mai mult pentru o aroma mai puternica) / 4 full tablespoons of berbere (click) (you can add more for a stronger flavor)
  • 60 ml apa / 60 ml water

Mod de preparare / Method of preparation:

1. Se taie puiul in bucati mari, se inlatura pielea, se spala si se se cresteaza fiecare bucata / Cut the chicken into big pieces, remove the skin, wash it and make slits on each piece.
2. Ceapa, usturoiul si condimentul berbere se amesteca cu 60 ml de apa pentru a forma o pasta / Mix the onion, garlic and berbere spice mix with 60 ml of water to form a paste.

Pui la gratar etiopian 1.jpg

3. Puiul se freaca cu pasta dupa care se da la firgider 2-3 ore / Rub the chicken with the paste, then refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Pui la gratar etiopian 2.jpg

Pui la gratar etiopian 4.jpg

4. Dupa 2-3 ore bucatile de pui se frig pe un gratar fierbinte pana sunt rumenite peste tot / After 2-3 hours grill the chicken pices on a hot grill until brown all over.

Pui la gratar etiopian 5.jpg
5. Se serveste langa legume, legume cu orez, salate, etc. / Serve it beside vegetables, vegetables with rice, salads, etc.

Pui la gratar etiopian 6.jpg

Pui la gratar etiopian 7.jpg

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