Sunday, August 5, 2012

Linte rosie cu spanac / Masoor Dal with spinach

Ingrediente / Ingredients

  • 220 gr linte rosie spalata, clatita in 2-3 ape si scursa / 220 gr Masoor Dal washed, rinsed with 2-3 changes of water and drained
  • ½ lingurita praf de turmeric / ½  tsp turmeric powder 
  • 1 lingurita pasta de ghimbir / 1 tsp ginger paste 
  • sare dupa gust / salt to taste
  • ½ pachet spanac congelat sau spanac proaspat tocat / ½  package of frozen spinach or fresh chopped spinach
  • 1 rosie coapta cubulete / 1 ripe tomato, diced
  • ½ lingurita de garam masala / ½ tsp of garam masala 
  • 2 linguri ghee (unt clarificat) sau ulei vegetal / 2 tbsp ghee or vegetable oil
  • 1 lingurita seminte de chimion / 1 tsp cumin seeds 
  • 1-2 ardei iuti rosii intregi / 1-2 whole red chilies 
  • 2 lingurite coriandru macinat / 2 tsp ground coriander powder 
  • 1 ceapa taiata felii subtiri (prajita in tigaie pana ii crocanta) / 1 thinly sliced onion (pan fried till crispy)
  • 4 linguri de cilantro tocat / 4 tbsp chopped cilantro
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Se adauga 3 cani de apa intr-o oala mare si se adauga lintea, 1 lingura din ghee sau ulei, curcuma, ghimbir, sare dupa gust si se fierbe lintea / Add 3 cups of water to a heavy pot, add the dal, 1 tbsp of ghee or oil, turmeric, ginger, salt to taste and boil the dal.

2. Se reduce temperature focului, se adauga spanacul, garam masala si se lasa la fiert / Reduce heat, add the spinach, garam masala and let it simmer.

3. In timp ce lintea fierbe, se incalzeste untul clarificat intr-o cratita mica si se prajesc semintele de chimion, ardeiul iute rosu pana devin maronii.  Se adauga coriandrul macinat si se prajeste pentru inca 2-3 minute / While dal is simmering heat ghee in a small sauce pan and fry the cumin seeds and red chilies till they brown.  Add the coriander powder and fry for another 2-3 minutes.
4. Se toarna in oala cu linte condimentele prajite si se lasa sa fiarba in continuare la foc mic. Se potriveste apa astfel incat are consistenta dorita (consistenta supei pentru a manca peste orez sau mai groasa pentru a manca cu paine indiana) / Pour the fried spices in the pot of dal and let it continue to simmer on low. Adjust the water so that the dal has the consistency you like (soup consistency to eat over rice or thicker to eat with Indian bread).

5. Garnisiti cu ceapa parjita si daca va place cu coriandru tocat / Garnish with fried onion and if u like with chopped cilantro.

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