Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Franzela picanta din carne / Spicy meat loaf

spicy meat loaf

Ingredients / Ingrediente
  • 5 oua / 5 eggs
  • 500 g carne de vita tocata sau amestec vita cu porc / 500 g minced beef or beef mixted with pork
  • 30 g radacina proaspat rasa de ghimbir / 30 g grated fresh root ginger
  • 30 g usturoi zdrobit / 30 g crushed garlic
  • 6 ardei iuti verzi, tocati / 6 fresh green chillies, chopped
  • 2 cepe mici, tocate marunt / 2 small onions, finely chopped
  • ½ lingurita curcuma macinata / ½ tsp ground turmeric
  • 50 g coriandru proaspat, tocat / 50 g fresh coriander (cilantro), chopped
  • 175 g cartofi, rasi / 175 g potatoes, grated
  • sare dupa gust / salt, to taste
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Se preincalzeste cuprorul. Se bat 2 oua pana sunt pufoase si se toarna intr-o forma unsa pentru franzela.
Preheat the oven. Beat 2 eggs until fluffy and pour into the greased loaf pan.

spicy meat loaf

2. Se amesteca carnea, ghimbirul si usturoiul, 4 ardei iuti verzi, o ceapa tocata, un ou batut, curcuma, coriandru proaspat, cartofii si sarea.
Mix together the meat, ginger and garlic, 4 green chillies, 1 chopped onion, 1 beaten egg, the turmeric, fresh coriander, potatoes and salt.

spicy meat loaf

3. Se umple forma de franzela si se niveleaza suprafata.
Pack into the loaf pan and smooth the surface.

spicy meat loaf

spicy meat loaf

4. Se coace in cuptorul preincalzit pentru 45 de minute.
Cook in the preheated oven for 45 minutes.

5. Intre timp se bat ouale ramase si se amesteca cu ardeii verzi iuti ramasi si ceapa ramasa. Forma de franzela se scoate din cuptor si se toarna amestecul peste toata carnea.
Meanwhile beat the remaining eggs and fold in with the remaining green chillies and onion. Remove the loaf pan from the oven and pour the mixture all over the meat.

spicy meat loaf

6. Se baga din nou in cuptor si se coace pana cand ouale se aseaza.
Return to the oven and cook until the eggs have set.

spicy meat loaf

7. Se serveste calda.
Serve hot.

spicy meat loaf

spicy meat loaf

spicy meat loaf

spicy meat loaf

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