Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cartofi condimentati (iuti foc) / Fiery Spiced Potatoes

fiery spiced potatoes

Ingrediente / Ingredients

  • 12-14 cartofi noi, decojiti si injumatatiti / 12-14 baby new potatoes, peeled and halved
  • ½ lingurita sare / ½ tsp salt
  • 1 lingura ulei / 1 tbsp oil
  • ½ lingurita ardei iuti rosii uscati si zdrobiti / ½ tsp crushed dried red chillies
  • ½ lingurita seminte chimion / ½ tsp cumin seeds
  • ½ lingurita seminte fenicul / ½ tsp fennel seeds
  • ½ lingurita seminte coriandru zdrobite / ½ tsp crushed coriander seeds
  • 1 ceapa marime medie, feliata / 1 medium onion, sliced
  • 3-4 ardei iuti rosii proapeti, tocati / 3-4 fresh red chillies, chopped
  • 1 lingura coriandru proaspat tocat / 1 tbsp chopped fresh coriander (cilantro)

 Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Se fierb cartofii intr-o cratita cu apa sarata pana cand sunt fierti dar totusi fermi. Se iau pe foc si se scurg de apa.
Boil the potatoes in a pan of salted water until just cooked but still firm. Remove from the heat and drain off the water.

fiery spiced potatoes

2. Intr-o karahi, wok sau tigaie adanca, se incinge rapid uleiul la foc mare, dupa care se da focul la mediu. Se adauga ardeii zdrobiti, semintele de chimion, fenicul, coriandru, putina sare si se prajeste (stir-fry) rapid in jur de 30-40 secunde.
In a karahi, wok or deep pan, heat the oil quickly over a high heat, then turn down the heat to medium. Add the crushed chillies, cumin, fennel and coriander seeds and a little salt and quickly stir-fry for about  30-40 seconds.

fiery spiced potatoes

3. Se adauga ceapa si se prajeste usurel pana este auriu maro. Dupa, se adauga cartofii noi, ardeii rosii proaspeti si coriandrul proaspat.
Add the onion and fry gently until golden brown. Then add the new potatoes, fresh red chillies and fresh coriander.

fiery spiced potatoes

fiery spiced potatoes

fiery spiced potatoes

4. Se acopera si se prajeste inca 5-7 minute la foc foarte mic. Se servesc calzi.
Cover and cook for 5-7 minutes over a very low heat. Serve hot.

fiery spiced potatoes

fiery spiced potatoes

fiery spiced potatoes

fiery spiced potatoes

fiery spiced potatoes

Monday, August 27, 2012

Curry de ciuperci / Mushroom curry

mushroom curry

Ingrediente / Ingredients

  • 50 ml ulei / 50 ml oil
  • 1 lingurita de seminte de chimion / 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • ½ lingurita boabe de piper negru / ½  tsp black peppercorns
  • 8 pastai de cardamom verde / 8 green cardamom pods
  • ½ lingurita de curcuma macinata / ½  tsp ground turmeric
  • 2 cepe, tocate fin / 2 onions, finely chopped
  • 2 lingurite chimion macinat / 2 tsp ground cumin
  • 2 lingurite coriandru macinat / 2 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 lingurita garam masala / 1 tsp garam masala
  • 2 ardei iuti verzi proaspeti, tocati fin / 2 fresh green chillies, finely chopped
  • 4 catei de usturoi, zdrobiti / 4 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 4 cm radacina de ghimbir proaspat, ras / 4 cm piece fresh root ginger, grated
  • 800 g rosii tocate la conserva / 800 g can chopped tomatoes
  • 2 lingurite de sare sau dupa gust / 2 tsp salt or to taste
  • 900 g ciuperci (albe), injumatatite sau tocate / 900 g (white) mushrooms, halved or chopped
  • coriandru proaspat tocat pentru ornat / chopped fresh coriander (cilantro) to garnish
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Se incinge uleiul intr-o cratita mare si se prajesc semintele de chimion, boabele de piper, pastaile de cardamom si curcuma pentru 2-3 minute.
Heat the oil in a large heavy pan and fry the cumin seeds, peppercorns, cardamom pods and turmeric for 2-3 minutes.

mushroom curry

2. Se adauga ceapa si se prajeste aproximativ  5 minute pana devine aurie.
Add the onion and fry for about 5 minutes until golden. 

mushroom curry

3. Se adauga si chimionul, coriandru macinat, garam masala si se prajeste mai departe, 2 minute.
Stir in the cumin, ground coriander and garam masala and fry for further 2 minutes.

mushroom curry

4. Se adauga ardeii iuti, usturoiul si ghimbirul si se prajeste 2-3 minute, amestecand tot timpul pentru a preveni prinderea condimentelor de tigaie.
Add the chillies, garlic and ginger and fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring all the time to prevent the spices from sticking to the pan.

mushroom curry

5. Se adauga rosiile si sarea. Se aduce la fierbere si se lasa sa fiarba timp de 5 minute.  
Add the tomatoes and salt. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

mushroom curry

6. Se adauga ciupercile si se fierbe pana cand se evapora apa lasata de ciuperci.
Add the mushrooms and simmer until mushroom water evaporates.

mushroom curry

mushroom curry

7. Se presara cu coriandru tocat proaspat inainte de a servi.
Sprinkle with chopped fresh coriander before serving.

mushroom curry

mushroom curry

! Ciupercile albe se pot inlocui cu oricare alt fel de ciuperci.
Pot fi adaugate ciuperci uscate. Inaite de a fi folosite, ciupercile uscate se tin la inmuiat in apa si se adauga la reteta impreuna cu rosiile.
! You can substitute the white mushrooms with any other mushrooms.
Dry mushrooms can be added. Soak dried mushrooms before using and add the to the recipe with the tomatoes.

Curry de ciuperci merge bine cu orez, preparate din carne dar de asemenea, este foarte bun servit simplu.
Curry de ciuperci se poate folosi ca sos pentru paste (Paste cu ciuperci).
Mushrooms curry goes well with plain rice, meat dishes but it’s also very good served on it’s own.
You can use mushroom curry as a sauce for pasta (Mushroom pasta).

mushroom curry

mushroom curry

mushroom curry
Paste cu ciuperci / Mushroom pasta

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Piure de cartofi si varza / Cabbage mashed potatoes

cabbage mashed potatoes

cabbage mashed potatoes

Ingrediente / Ingredients
  • 500 g varza tocata fin / 500 g finely shredded cabbage
  • 1 lingura unt / 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 ceapa mica tocata fin / 1 small finely chopped onion
  • 700 g cartofi taiati cubulete / 700 g cubed potatoes
  • 60 ml lapte / 60 ml milk
  • sare dupa gust / salt to taste
  • piper dupa gust / pepper to taste

Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Intr-o cratita mare se incalzeste  varza in suficienta apa cat sa o acopere, pana apa incepe sa fiarba. Se acopera si se reduce focul la mediu. Se fierbe pana cand varza este moale. Se scurge apa si se acopera pentru a pastra varza calda.
In large pan heat cabbage and enough water to cover the cabbage until water boils. Cover, reduce heat to medium. Cook until cabbage is soft. Drain the water and cover the cabbage to keep warm.

cabbage mashed potatoes
2. Intr-o alta cratita se fierb cartofii cu o lingurita de sare pana cand sunt moi. Se scurg de apa si se zdrobesc.
In another pan boil the potatoes with 1 teaspoon of salt, until they are soft. Drain the water and mash them.

cabbage mashed potatoes

3. Intr-o cratita se topeste untul. Se adauga ceapa si se prajeste amestecand frecvent pana cand ceapa este moale si usor aurie.
In a saucepan melt butter. Add onions and cook, stirring frequently, until onions are soft and lightly golden. 

cabbage mashed potatoes
4. Se adauga cartofii zdrobiti, varza fiarta, laptele si se amesteca pana cand totul este bine incorporat.
Stir in the mashed potatoes, cooked cabbage, milk and mix until everything is well combined.  

cabbage mashed potatoes

cabbage mashed potatoes
5. Se condimenteaza cu sare si piper si se servesc calzi.
Season with salt and pepper and serve them hot.

cabbage mashed potatoes

cabbage mashed potatoes

cabbage mashed potatoes

cabbage mashed potatoes

Tascute cu gem (buzunarele cu gem) / Jam pockets

jam pockets

Ingredients / Ingredients

  • 3 oua / 3 eggs
  • un praf de sare / a pinch of salt
  • faina cat cuprinde / flour as needed
  • gem (de prune, capsuni, caise, piserici etc.) – eu am folosit gem de prune / plum, strawberry, apricot, peach jam or any other kind of jam – I used plum jam
Pesmetul /  Breadcrumbs

  • 200 gr pesmet / 200 gr  breadcrumbs
  • 100 gr unt / 100 gr butter
  • 4 linguri zahar / 4 tablespoons sugar

Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Se pune faina cu sare pe planseta de lucru, se sparg ouale in centrul ei si se incepe a incorpora faina cu buricele degetelor.
Put the flour with salt on the work board, break the eggs in the center and begin to incorporate the flour with the fingertips.

jam pockets

2. Se framanta coca cu podul palmelor cateva minute, presarand din cand in cand planseta cu putina faina.
Knead dough with the palms for a few minutes, sprinkling with a little flour occasionally.

jam pockets
3. Se framanta pana se obtine o compozitie de consistenta medie.
Knead until you get a medium consistency composition.

4. Se intinde aluatul obtinut intr-o foaie foarte subtire cu ajutorul unui sucitor.
Roll the batter in a very thin sheet using a rolling pin.

jam pockets

5. Cu ajutorul unei lingurite se aseaza gemul pe jumatate din foaia intinsa, in gramjoare mici la distante regulate.
Place the jam with the help of a teaspoon on half of the stretched sheet in small piles at regular distances.

jam pockets
6. Se acopera cu cealalta jumatate de foaie, se lipesc marginile si se taie patratele cu gemul in centru, folosind rotita dintata speciala ( eu dupa ce le-am taiat cu rotita le-am apasat pe margini cu o furculita).
Cover with the other half of the sheet, stick edges and cut small squares with the jam in the center, using a toothed wheel ( after I cut them I pressed the edges with a fork).

jam pockets

jam pockets

jam pockets
7. In timp ce se pregatesc tascutele cu gem se pune o oala cu apa la fiert.
While you prepare the jam pockets put a pot with water to boil.

8. Intr-o tigaie larga se topeste untul, adaugand pesmetul si se prajeste la foc mediu, amestecand constant pana cand pesmetul este usor prajit, cca 2-3 minute. Se adauga zaharul  si se stinge focul.
In a large pan melt the butter, add breadcrumbs and fry on medium heat, stirring constantly until breadcrumbs are slightly toasted, about 2-3 minutes. Add sugar and  switch off  the heat.

jam pockets
9. Tascutele umplute cu gem se aseaza pe rand in apa care fierbe (dar nu clocoteste) si se lasa sa fiarba pana se ridica la suprafata, cca 5 minute.
Place the jam pockets in the boiling water over low heat and let it simmer until they rise to the surface, about 5 minutes. 

jam pockets
10. Se scot si se tavalesc prin pesmet.
Remove them and roll them into bread crums mixture. 

jam pockets

11. Se servesc calde.
Serve them hot.

jam pockets

jam pockets

jam pockets

jam pockets

jam pockets