Sunday, July 1, 2012

“Ciuspais (Tuspais)” de dovlecel / Zucchini “Ciuspais (Tuspais)”

Ingrediente / Ingredients

-          50 ml ulei / 50 ml oil
-          2 cepe de marime medie sau 4 cepe verzi mai maricele / 2 medium size onions or 4 big spring onions
-          2 dovlecei (1 kg) rasi / 2 grated zucchini (1 kg)
-          300 ml apa / 300 ml water
-          2 lingurite faina / 2 tsp flour
-          50 ml lapte / 50 ml milk
-          sare dupa gust / salt to taste
-          1 lingurita otet sau zeama de lamaie / 1 tsp vinegar or lemon juice
-          marar tocat (jumate de lagatura) / chopped dill (half a bunch)

Mod de preparare / Preparation

1. Ceapa tocata se caleste in ulei incins la foc mediu pana devine transparenta / Fry chopped onions in hot oil over medium heat until it becomes translucent.


2. Adauga dovlecelul ras si caleste amestecand constant inca 5 minute  / Add grated zucchini and cook another 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

3. Toarna peste  apa, acopera cu un capac si lasa sa fiarba la foc mediu 15 – 20 minute (pana cand dovlecelul este fiert) / Pour in the water, cover with a lid and let it simmer over medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes (until zucchini is cooked)

4.  Amesteca intr-o cana faina cu laptele si toarna peste dovlecelul fiert amestecand continuu pana cand sosul devine de consistenta medie (nici prea gros nici prea subtire) /  Mix the flour with milk in a cup and pour over the cooked zucchini stirring continuously, until the sauce becomes a medium consistency (not too thick neither too thin).

5.  Adauga sare dupa gust, otetul sau zeama de lamaie, mararul si se da deoparte / Add salt to taste, vinegar or lemon juice, dill and set aside.

6.  Se serveste langa carne cu cartofi prajiti, langa oua prajite cu cartofi prajiti sau orice va place / Serve beside meat and fries or fried eggs and fries or whatever you like.

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