Monday, July 2, 2012

Lasagna Bolognese

Lasagna Bolognese

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
  • 400 g foi de lasagna / 400 g lasagna sheets
  • 300 g mozzarella, rupta in bucati mici / 300 g mozzarella, torn  into small pieces
  • 150 g parmesan, ras / 150 g grated parmesan

Sos Ragu alla Bolognese / Ragu sauce alla Bolognese
  • 600 g carne de vita, tocata /  600 g beef minced beef
  • 1 morcov mic / 1 small carrot
  • 1 ceapa medie / 1 medium onion
  • 1/2 de telina medie / ½ medium celery
  • 50 g unt / 50 g butter
  • 4 linguri ulei de masline extra virgine / 4 tablespoons extra virgine olive oil
  • 200 ml vin rosu / 200 ml red wine
  • 400 ml suc de rosii (passata) / 400 ml tomato juice (passata)
  • ½ legatura busuioc si oregano proaspat / ½ a bunch fresh basil and oregano
  • sare, piper dupa gust / salt, pepper (to taste)
Sos bechamel / Bechamel sauce
  • 50 g unt / 50 g butter
  • 50 g faina / 50 g flour
  • 500 ml lapte / 500 ml milk
  • 1 lingurita nucsoara, praf / 1 teaspoon nutmeg powder
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation
  1. Fierbe pe jumate foile de lasagna in apa cu sare. / Half cook the lasagna sheets in water with salt.
  2. Scurge apa, lasa-le sa se raceasca si separa-le pentru a nu se lipi. / Drain the water, let it cool and place them sepeartely so they dont stick together.
Sosul Ragu alla Bolognese / Ragu sauce alla Bolognese
  1. Toaca ceapa marunt si da prin razatoare legumele. / Chop the onion and grate the vegetables.
  2. Intr-o tigaie mai mare incalziti uleiul si untul, distuiti ceapa si legumele, la foc mediu pana se inmoaie. / In a bigger pot heat the oil and butter and sauté the onion and vegetables over medium heat till they get soft.
  3. Adaugati carnea tocata si prajiti-o usor, cam 10 minute. / Mix in the minced meat and cook for 10 mins
  4. Toarna vinul peste carne sa fiarba la foc mic pana se absoarbe (cam 15 minute) /  Pour the wine over meat to cook over low heat till absorbed (around 15 minutes).
  5. Adauga passata, amesteca bine, acopera si lasa sa fiarba 45 de minute (daca scade foarte tare adauga apa) / Add passata, mix well, cover it and let it cook 45 minutes (if it reduces very much add water).
  6. Toaca busuioc si oregano proaspat, amesteca cu sosul si adauga sare si piper dupa gust. / Chop fresh basil and oregano, mix it with the sauce and add salt and paper (to taste).

Sosul Bechamel / Bechamel Sauce

  1. Topeste untul. / Melt the butter.
  2. Adauga faina si incorporeaz-o in unt. / Add the flour and mix into the butter.
  3. Se toarna cateva linguri de lapte fierbinte, destul pentru a inmuia amestecul de faina si unt. / Pour in just a few tablespoons of the hot milk, just enough to moisten the flour and butter mixture.
  4. Se amesteca bine pentru a subtia amesctecul gros de faina. / Whisk thoroughly to loosen up the thick flour mixture.
  5. Amestecand constant cu telul, adauga resul de lapte peste amesetecul subtiat de faina. / Whisking constantly, add the rest of the milk to the loosened flour mixture.
  6. Adauga nucsoara si amesteca bine. / Add the nutmeg powder and mix it well.
Asamblare / Assembling:

  1. Unge fundul tavii cu 2 linguri de ulei de masline si 2 linguri de sos ragu / Brush 2 table spoon of olive oil on the bottom of the tray and 2 spoons of ragu sauce
  2. Imparte sosul ragu si sosul béchamel in 3 parti / Divide the ragu and bechamel sauce into 3 parts
  3. Pune un strat de foi de lasagna pe fund / Place a layer of lasagna sheets on the bottom
  4. Toarna peste, o portie de sos ragu desupra caruia se toarna o portie de sos béchamel si jumate din portia de mozzarella / Pour in one portion of the ragu sauce on top of which goes one portion of the bechamel sauce and half the mozzerella
  5. Repeta pasul 3 si 4 / Repeat the step 3 and 4
  6. Peste stratul final toarna un strat de sos béchamel, iar dupa aceea sosul ragu peste care se presara parmesanul ras / On the final layer pour in the bachamel sauce and then the ragu over which you spread grated parmasan
  7. Se coace pestru 30 de minute la 180 de grade / Bake for 30 mins at 180 degrees

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