Sunday, July 1, 2012

Desert Indian de Gris si Migdale / Badam Ka Sheera (Indian Almond Delight)

Ingrediente / Ingredients
  • 1 ¼ cana gris / 1 ¼ cup semolina
  • 2 ¾ cani lapte integral / 2 ¾   cup whole milk
  • ¾ cana zahar brun / ¾  cup brown sugar
  • ½ can aunt clarificat / ½  cup clarified butter
  • ½ lingurita pudra cardamom / ½  tsp cardamom powder
  • 2 linguri mixdale, maruntite / 2 tbsp almonds, chopped
  • 2 linguri stafide / 2 tbsp raisins

Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Se incalzeste untul clarificat intr-o cratita de marime medie / Heat the clarified butter in a medium saucepan.

2. Adauga grisul, migdalele maruntite si stafidele / Add  the semolina, chopped almonds and raisins.

3.  Se prajeste acest amestec la foc mic amestecand constant pana cand grisu-si schimba culoarea intr-un maro foarte deschis / Fry this mixture on medium low heat stirring constantly until the semolina change color to a very pale brown.

4. Apoi se adauga zaharul si laptele amestecului de mai sus amestecand pana cand se incorporeaza, la foc mic /  Then add the sugar and milk to the mixture and keep stirring until they blend together, on low heat.

5. O data ce zaharul  a fost complet dizolvat si laptele evaporat, se opreste aragazul si se da cratita deoparte /Once the sugar is completely dissolved and milk evaporated, remove from the heat and keep aside
6. Se presara deasupra pudra de cardamom si cateva suvite de migdale / Sprinkle some cardamom powder and some almond slivers on top
7. Se lasa la racit dupa care se serveste / Let it cool and then serve.

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