Sunday, July 1, 2012

Gulab Jamun

Pentru 18 bucati / For 18 piece

Ingrediente / Ingredients

Pentru Gulab Jamuns / For the Gulab Jamuns

  • 1 ½  cana lapte praf / 1 ½ cup whole milk powder
  • 6 linguri faina / 6 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 3 linguri iaurt / 3 tbsp yogurt
  • 2 linguri unt clarificat (topit) / 2 tbsp  clarified butter (melted)
  • ½ lingurita bicarbonate de sodiu / ½  tsp baking soda
  • un praf de sare / a pinch of salt
  • apa/ lapte in functie de cat este necesar pentru a face un aluat (daca este necesar) / water/milk - as needed to make a dough (if needed)
  • ulei pentru prajit cat sa acopere / oil for deep frying

Pentru sirop / For the syrup
  • 2 ½ cani zahar / 2 ½  cups sugar
  • 1 cana apa / 1 cup water
  • 3 pastai de cardamom usor crapate / 3 cardamom pods slightly cracked
  • 2/4 fire de sofran / 2-4 saffron threads
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

Pentru sirop / For the syrup

1. Se adauga toate ingredientele pentru sirop intr-o cratita de marime medie / Add all the ingredients of the syrup in a medium sized saucepan
2. Se aduce compozitia la fierbere si se lasa sa fiarba pana cand siropul  ajunge la o consistenta mai groasa / Bring the composition to a boil and let it cook until the syrup gets a slightly thick consistency.
3. Cand ajunge la consistenta dorita se reduce focul si se pastreaza caldut / When the desired consistency is achieved, lower the flame and keep it warm

Pentru Gulab Jamun / For the Gulab Jamun

1. Intr-un bol mediu se adauga laptele praf, faina, praful de sare, bicarbonatul de sodium si se amesteca bine/ In a medium mixing bowl, add the milk powder, all purpose flour, a pinch of salt and baking soda and mix well.

2. La amestecul uscat se adauga untul clarificat, iaurtul si se framanta pentru a forma un aluat / Next add the clarified butter and yogurt to the dry mix and knead to form a dough.

3. Daca este necesar folositi putin lapte sau apa pentru a forma un aluat, la mine nu a fost necesar / If needed use some milk or water to form the dough, for me wasn’t necessary.
4. Folosind unt clarificat pe palme se scoate aproximativ jumatate de lingura de aluat si se formeaza o bila rotunda de marime mica (dimensiunea depinde de fiecare in parte) dar fara crapaturi sau fisuri / Using some clarified butter on your palms, scoop up about half a tbsp of dough and make a small sized round ball (the size depends upon you) but without any cracks or splits in them.

5. Intre timp se incinge ulei in friteuza adanca la foc mediu / Meanwhile heat some oil in a deep fryer on medium heat.

6. Se prajesc bilele mutandu-le in permanenta dintr-o parte in alta in ulei pentru a se rumeni uniform / Fry the balls and continiously move them around in the oil so that they are browned evenly.

7. Se prajesc pana  prind o culoare maronie-aurie / Fry them till they are golden-brown in colour.

8. Cand sunt gata se scot din priteuza, se scurg pe o hartie absorbanta si se pun imediat in siropul caldut / Remove them from the fryer when done, drain on and absorbent paper and immediately put them in the warm syrup. 

9. Se stinge focul care a fost folosit pentru a tine siropul cald /  Switch off the flame that was used to kept the syrup warm.
10. Repeta aceeasi procedura cu restul de aluat / Repeat the same with the rest of the dough. 
11. Se misca prin sirop astfel incat toate partile sa fie inmuiate in sirop / Move them around in the syrup so that all sides are soaked in the syrup. 
12. Se lasa la insiropat in jur de 2 ore / Let them soak for atleast 2 hours.

13. Se pot servi caldute sau reci / You can serve them warm or cold.

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