Ingrediente / Ingredients
Blatul de ciocolata / Chocolate sponge cake
- unt pentru uns forma / butter, for greasing the pans
- 353 g faina / 353 g all-purpose flour
- 600 g zahar / 600 g sugar
- 125 g cacao neagra de calitate / 125 g good dark quality cocoa powder
- 15 g bicarbonate de sodiu / 15 g baking soda
- 15 g praf de copt / 15 g baking powder
- 8 g sare / 8 g salt
- 375 ml lapte batut / 375 ml buttermilk
- 180 ml ulei vegetal / 180 ml vegetable oil
- 3 oua mari / 3 extra-large eggs
- 2 lingurite esenta de vanilie / 2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 350 ml suc de portocale proaspat stoarse / 350 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
- razatura de la 1 ½ portocala / zest of 1 ½ large orange
Iaurtul de portocale / Orange curd
- razatura de la 2 portocale mari / zest of 2 large oranges
- 250 ml ml suc de portocale proaspat / 250 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice
- 200 g zahar / 200 g sugar
- 4 eggs
Crema de unt cu ciocolata / Chocolate buttercream
- 500 g unt la temperature camerei / 500 g of room temperature butter
- 550 g zahar pudra / 550 g caster sugar
- 300 ml lapte / 300 ml of milk
- 3 linguri esenta de vanilie / 3 tablespoons vanilla extract
- 130 g cacao neagra, cernuta / 130 g dark cocoa powder, sifted
- razatura de la o portocala mare / zest from a big orange
Feliile de portocala zaharisite / Candied Orange Slices
- 330 g zahar pudra / 330g caster sugar
- 160 ml apa / 160 ml water
- 1 portocala taiata felii subtiri / 1 orange, thinly sliced
Mod de preparare / Method
of preparation
Blatul de ciocolata / Chocolate sponge cake
1. Se
preancalzeste cuptorul si se ung cu unt 3 forme rotunde de tort de 26 cm
si se tapeteaza cu hartie de copt.
Preheat the oven and butter 3 round
cake tins of 26 cm and line with baking paper.
2. Se cerne
faina, cacaoa, bicarbonatul de sodiu, praful de copt si sarea intr-un
castron. Se adauga zaharul si cu un mixter la viteza mica se amesteca pana
cand totul este amestecat.
Sift the flour, cocoa, baking soda, baking
powder, and salt into the bowl. Add the sugar and with a mixter on low
speed mix until combined.
3. In alt castron se bate cu telul laptele
batut, uleiul, ouale, razatura de portocala si vanilia. Cu mixerul la viteza
mica, se adauga incet ingredientele lichide (umede) la ingredientle uscate / In
another bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, oil, eggs, orange zest and
vanilla. With the mixer on low speed, slowly add the wet ingredients to the
4. Cu
mixerul tot la viteza mica se adauga sucul de portocala si se amesteca
pana este bine combinat.
With mixer still on low, add the orange juice
and mix until well combined.
5. Se
toarna aluatul de blat in formele pregatite si se coc 35 – 40 de minute
sau pana cand se face verificarea batului si iese curat.
Pour the cake
batter into prepared cake tins and bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until a
cake tester comes out clean.
6. Se
raceste in forme timp de 30 de minute dupa care se scoate din forme si se
racesc complet.
Cool in the pan for 30 minutes, then turn out and cool
Iaurtul de portocale / Orange curd
1. Se amesteca zaharul, razatura de portocale si sucul de portocale intr-o craticioara pana incepe sa fiarba.
the sugar, orange zest, and juice in a saucepan, and bring to a simmer.
2. Se sparg ouale intr-un castron si se bat pana sunt usoare si pufoase.
the eggs into a bowl and beat until light and fluffy.
3. Se adauga putin din sucul de portocale oualor si se bat bine pentru a se amesteca si pentru a impiedica coagularea cand sunt adaugate in craticioara.
Add some
of the juice to the eggs and beat in well to combine so as to prevent it
from curdling when added to the saucepan.
4. Se toarna amestecul de oua in craticioara si se fierbe amestecand constant pana cand amestecul se ingroasa.
Pour the
egg mixture into the saucepan and cook until mixture thickens, stirring
5. Se da deoparte pentru a se raci / Set
aside to cool.
Crema de unt cu ciocolata / Chocolate buttercream
1. Cu un mixer se amesteca untul pana devine cremos.
With a mixer cream the butter until light.
2. Se da mixerul la viteza cea mai mica, se adauga razatura de portocala iar dupa, ingredientele uscate alternativ cu laptele.
the mixer to it’s lowest speed and add the orange zest and then the dry
ingredients alternately with the milk.
3. Se adauga extractul de vanilie si se bate pana este pufos.
Add the
vanilla extract and beat until fluffy.
Feliile de portocala zaharisite / Candied Orange Slices
1. Se pune zaharul si apa intr-o craticioara la foc mediu si se amesteca pana se dizolva zaharul.
the sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat and stir to dissolve
the sugar.
2. Se adauga feliile de portocala si se fierb pentru 12-15 minute sau pana cand se ingroasa siropul si portocalele sunt translucide.
Add the
orange slices and bring to the boil and cook for 12–15 minutes or until
the syrup has thickened and the oranges are translucent.
3. Feliile de portocala se scot, se scurg pe un gratar de tort si se lasa la racit inainte de a le aseza pe tortul.
the orange slices and drain them on a cake rack and allow them to cool before topping the cake.
Ansamblarea tortului / Cake Assembly
1. Se taie partea de sus a fiecarui blat pentru a crea o suprafata uniforma.
the top of each cake to create an even surface.
2. Se pune primul blat pe o tava rotunda sau o farfurie plata care va fi folosita pentru ansamblarea tortului. Peste blat se intinde un strat uniform de crema de unt. Se adauga al doilea blat iar peste acesta iaurtul de portocale intr-un strat uniform.
the first layer onto a round tray or flat plate, which you will use while
assembling the cake. Spread an even layer of the buttercream frosting over
the cake. Add the second cake layer and top this one with the orange curd
in an even layer.
3. Se aseaza al treilea blat cu grija, a nu apasa prea tare deoarece iaurtul va curge pe marginile tortului.
top with 3rd layer of cake, being careful not to push down too
hard as the curd will flow out the sides of the cake.
4. Cu crema de unt, se acopera tortul peste tot intr-un strat uniform.
Top with
an even layer of buttercream and give the cake an overall coating.
5. Se da la frigider pentru o ora.
for an hour.
6. Tortul se decoreaza cu feliile de portocala zaharisite.
Decorate the
cake with slices of candied orange.
Reteta inspirata de pe, dar este modificata.
inspired from, but it's modified.
ce bun a fost... yummmyyyy!!! portocalele, fructele mele preferate... cioco... ingredientul care se potriveste perfect cu portocala... combinatia=un gust irezistibil!!! nu am putut spune "nu" tentatiei! :)
ReplyDelete:) bucur ca ti-a placut!!!
Deletecombinatia de cioco cu portocala (aroma de portocala) este perfecta...merg de minune...are un gust special...
cred ca nimeni nu a rezistat tentatiei! :)
reteta merita incercata!