Saturday, August 4, 2012

Kefta de pui / Chicken kefta

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
  • 800 g carne tocata de pui / 800 g chicken minced meat
  • 1 ardei capia / 1 kapia pepper
  • 1 ceapa / 1 onion
  • 4-5 catei de usturoi / 4-5 garlic cloves
  • 1 legatura patrunjel verde / 1 bunch green parsley
  • 1 lingurita chimen macinat / 1 teaspoon ground caraway seeds
  • 1 lingurita piper negru macinat / 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 8 boabe de ienibahar macinat / 8 ground allspice seeds
  • 1 lingurita cimbru uscat / 1 teaspoon dry thyme
  • cateva seminte de cardamom macinate / few ground cardamom seeds
  • 1 lingurita boia iute / 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • sare dupa gust / salt to taste
  • 2 lingurite boia dulce / 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1 lingurita coriandru macinat / 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 5 cuisoare macinate / 5 ground cloves

Mod de preparare / Method of preparation:

1. Se rade ceapa si usturoiul pe razatoarea fina, se toaca ardeiul si patrunjelul marunt, apoi se amesteca cu carnea tocata / Grate the onion and garlic on a fine grater, chop the kapia pepper and parsley finely then mix with the minced meat.

2. Se adauga condimentele si se amesteca bine pana se omogenizeaza, apoi se lasa la frigider 1 ora / Add the spices and mix well until smooth, then refrigerate it for  1 hour.

3. Apoi, se ia o palma plina de amestec si se modeleaza pe betele de frigarui (tinute in prealabil 30 de minute in apa) carnaciori sau chiftele lunguiete, potrivite, se ung cu ulei si se rumenesc pe gratarul incins 4-5 minute pe fiecare parte / Then take a palm full of the mixture and shape on the skewers (left for 30 minutes in water), grease them with oil and brown them 4-5 minutes on each side on the hot grill. 

4. Se servesc imediat cu lipie sau garnisite cu orez, cuscus, cartofi, gogosari murati sau cu sos de iaurt (vezi reteta Salata libaneza cu iaurt si castraveti(Khyar Bi Laban) / Lebanese cucumber andyogurt salad (Khyar Bi Laban) ) / Serve immediately with arabic bread or garnished with rice, cous-cous, potatoes, pickled peppers or yogurt sauce (see recipe Salata libaneza cu iaurt si castraveti (Khyar BiLaban) / Lebanese cucumber andyogurt salad (Khyar Bi Laban) ).

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