Sunday, August 12, 2012

Prajitura Coco-Mac / Coconut and poppy cake

prajitura coco mac

Ingrediente / Ingredients

Blatul 1 /  Cake sponge 1
  • 8 albusuri / 8 egg whites
  • 200 g zahar / 200 g sugar
  • 2 linguri faina /  2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 lingurita  praf de copt / 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 50 g mac / 50 g poppy seeds
  • 150 fulgi nuca de cocos / 150 g coconut flakes
Blat 2 / Cake sponge 2
  • 3 oua / 3 eggs
  • 6 linguri de zahar / 6 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 linguri de apa / 3 tablespoons of water
  • 6 linguri de faina / 6 tablespoons flour
Crema / Cream
  • 8 galbenuri / 8 egg yolks
  • 400 g de zahar / 400 g sugar
  • 4 lingurite cafea instat nescafe / 4 teaspoons nescafe instand coffee (powder)
  • 200 ml lapte / 200 ml milk
  • 400 g unt / 400 g butter

prajitura coco mac 1

Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

Blat 1 / Cake sponge 1

1. Se bat albusurile de ou cu zaharul.
Beat the egg whites with the sugar. 

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2. Dupa, se adauga faina si praful de copt (eu l-am stins stins cu zeama de lamaie).
Then add the flour and baking powder (i mixed the baking powder with few drops of lemon juice first).

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3. Se adauga macul si fulgii de nuca de cocos.
 Add the poppy seeds and coconut flakes.

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4. Cand totul este bine incorporat se toarna in tava unsa cu putin ulei si tapetata cu hartie de copt.
When everything is well incorporated pour it in a greased tray with a bit of oil and coated with baking paper.

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5. Se coace in cuptorul incalzit in prealabil. 
Bake it in the preheated oven.

Blat 2 / Cake sponge 2

1. Se bat bine albusurile.
Beat  the egg whites well.

2. Se adauga zaharul si se bate pana cand zaharul se dizolva.
Add sugar and beat until sugar dissolves.

3. Se adauga pe rind fiecare galbenus urmat de cate o lingura de apa. 
Add egg yolks one by one followed by a tablespoon of water.

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4. Se adauga faina amestecand usor de sus in jos pentru a pastra aluatul aerisit.
Add the flour and mix up folding it in to keep the batter airy.

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5 .Dupa, se coace in tava pregatita ca si pentru primul blat.
Then bake it in a prepared tray like the first cake sponge.

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Crema / Cream

1. Toate ingredientele cremei se fierb pe aburi pina se ingroase bine.
Cook all the cream ingredients using a double boiler until becomes thick.

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2. Se lasa la racit dupa care se amesteca cu untul.
Let it cool and mix it with the butter.

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Ansamblare / Assembly

1. Crema se pune intre cele 2 blaturi, deasupra si se acopera marginile.
Put the cream between the 2 cake sponges and on top and cover the sides.

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2. Se decoreaza cu fulgi de ciocolata, ciocolata rasa, perlute de ciocolata, decor de ciocolata. etc.
Decorate it with chocolate flakes, grind chocolate, chocolate pearls, chocolate ornaments, etc.

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