Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bruschetta (Bruschete)

Ingrediente / Ingredients
  • 10 feliute dintr-o bagheta frantuzeasca cereale integrale / 10 slices of a whole grain French Baguette
  • 100 gr sunca / 100 gr of ham
  • 2 rosii marime mica / 2 small size tomatoes
  • 1 manuta de oregano si busuioc proaspat tocat marunt / 1 small hand of fresh basil and oregano, chopped
  • parmesan ras / grated parmesan
  • sare dupa gust / salt to taste
  • piper dupa gust / pepper to taste
  • 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Feliile de paine se pun intr-o tava si se dau la cuptor pana cand se rumenesc / Place the slices of bread in a tray and bake them until crisp.

2. Sunca si rosiile se taie in cubulete marunte / Cut the ham and tomatoes into small cubes.

3. Busuiocul si oregano se toaca marunt / Chop the oregano and basil.

4. Intr-un bol se amesteca cubuletele de sunca si rosii impreuna cu busuiocul, oregano, sarea, piperul si uleiul de masline. Acest amestec se imparte pe feliutele de paine crocante / Mix the cubed ham and tomatoes in a bowl together with the basil, oregano, salt, pepper and olive oil. Devide this mixture on the crispy bread slices.

5. La sfarsit se rade parmesan pe fiecare feliuta in parte si se servesc caldute ca aperitiv sau la micul dejun / At the end grate parmesan on every slice and serve them warm as appetizer or for breakfast.

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