Ingrediente / Ingredients:
Pt o foaie (faceti 3 foi) / For a layer sheets (makes
3 layers)
- 2 albusuri/2 egg whites
- 2 linguri zahar/2 tablespoons sugar
- 0.5 linguri faina/0.5 tablespoons flour
- 40 g
alune, nuci sau nuci caju macinate /40 g ground hazelnuts, walnuts
or cashew nuts
Crema 1 / Cream 1:
- 6 galbenusuri/6 egg yolks
- 6 linguri zahar/6 tablespoons sugar
- 340 ml lapte/340 ml milk
- 2 linguri faina/2 tablespoons flour
- 170 g unt la temperatura camerei/170 g butter at room temperature
- 1
lingurita esenta vanilie/ 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Crema 2 / Cream 2:
- 250 ml frisca/250 ml whipping cream
- 150 g zahar/150 g sugar
- 120 g alone, nuci sau nuci caju zdrobite bucati mai mari/120 g chopped hazelnuts, walnuts or cashew nuts
Decor / Decoration:
- 250 ml frisca/250 ml cream
- bucati
de zahar caramelizate / caramelized sugar pieces
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation:
1. Se macina 40 g alune, nuci sau caju pentru prima foaie.
Grind 40 g of hazelnuts, walnuts cashew nuts for the first layer sheet.
1. Se macina 40 g alune, nuci sau caju pentru prima foaie.
Grind 40 g of hazelnuts, walnuts cashew nuts for the first layer sheet.
Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and beat
the whites very well, adding sugar one tablespoon at a time. Add the ground
nuts and mix with flour, folding them into the batter.
3. Se tapeteaza fundul unei tavi de copt cu diametrul de
24 cm cu hartie de copt si se niveleaza bezeaua pe forma. Se pune in cuptorul
preincalzit pentru 20-25 minute.
Put baking paper on the bottom of a 24 cm round cake pan and add 1/3rd the batter, spreading it evenly. Place it in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.
Put baking paper on the bottom of a 24 cm round cake pan and add 1/3rd the batter, spreading it evenly. Place it in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.
4. Se scoate din cuptor prima foaie si repetam procedura
inca de doua ori.
Take it out of the oven and repeat the procedure two more times.
Take it out of the oven and repeat the procedure two more times.
1. Intr-o craticioara se amesteca cele 6 galbenusuri cu
Mix the 6 egg yolks with the sugar in a pot.
2. Peste galbenusuri se adauga laptele si faina si se
lasa sa fiarba la foc mic, amestecand continuu.
Over egg yolks add the flour and milk and place the pot on
low heat, stirring continuously.
3. Crema se va ingrosa treptat pana va deveni ca o
The cream will start to thicken like a pudding.
The cream will start to thicken like a pudding.
4. Se da deoparate si se lasa sa se raceasca
Remove from heat and leave it aside, until it cools off completely.
Remove from heat and leave it aside, until it cools off completely.
5. Intr-un bol se mixeaza untul si treptat se
adauga cate o lingura din crema de galbenusuri racita. Se continua mixarea pana
se obtine o crema fina iar la sfarsit se adauga esenta de vanilie. Se da
la frigider pana se pregateste crema 2.
In a bowl mix the butter the cooled egg yolks cream one
tablespoon at a time. Continue mixing until you obtain a smooth cream and at
the end add vanilla essence. Place it in the fridge until you prepare cream 2.
Crema 2 / Cream 2
1. Se topeste zaharul pe foc mic, pana se caramelizeaza
frumos, fara a se arde, si se toarna in strat subtire pe o foaie de copt.
Caramelize the sugar taking care not to burn it and
pour it as a thin layer on a baking paper sheet.
2. Se lasa sa se raceasca, se rupe bucati, se pune intr-o
punga care se sigileaza si se bate bine cu sucitorul.
Once cool, break it into pieces and place them in a zipper bag and beat the sugar pieces with a a heavy tool, until it's broken into small pieces.
Once cool, break it into pieces and place them in a zipper bag and beat the sugar pieces with a a heavy tool, until it's broken into small pieces.
3. Intr-un bol se bate frisca bine si se adauga alunele, nucile sau nucile
caju zdrobite, bucatelele de zahar ars zdrobit si se amesteca cu grija.
In a bowl beat the cream and add the chopped nuts and the
pieces of caramelized sugar ,folding them gently into the cream.
Asamblarea tortului / Cake assembly
1. Se pune o foaie pe un platou si peste se intinde 1/3
din crema 1.
Place a cake layer sheet on a big plate and spread 1/3 of cream 1 on top.
Place a cake layer sheet on a big plate and spread 1/3 of cream 1 on top.
2. Peste crema 1 se intinde 1/3 din crema 2.
Over cream 1 spread 1/3 of cream 2.
Over cream 1 spread 1/3 of cream 2.
3. Peste crema 2 se pune a doua foaie. Peste foaia 2 se
intine 1/3 din crema 1 iar peste crema 1, 1/3 din crema 2. Peste crema 2 se
pune ultima foaie, se intinde 1/3 din crema 1 iar peste crema 1 se intinde 1/3
din crema 2.
Over the cream 2 place 2nd cake layer sheet. Over 2nd cake
layer sheet spread 1/3 of cream 1 and over cream 1, 1/3 of cream 2. Over cream
2 place last cake layer sheet, spread 1/3 of cream 1 and over cream 1 spread
1/3 of cream 2.
Decor / Decoration
1. Tortul de imbraca si se decoreaza cu frisca si bucati
de zahar ars dupa propria dorinta.
Cover and decorate the cake with whipping cream and
caramelized sugar pieces according to your wish.
2. Se da tortul la frigider pentru minim 6 ore, timp in
care bucatele de zahar ars zdrobite se vor topi in crema.
Place the cake in the fridge for at least 6 hours while
the caramelized sugar slowly melts into the cream.
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