Monday, May 13, 2013

Prajitura Mariana / “Mariana” Cake

Prajitura Mariana / “Mariana” Cake

Ingrediente / Ingredients

Pentru 3 foi / For 3 layers

  • 500 g faina / 500 g flour
  • 200 g margarina / 200 g margarine
  • 150 g zahar / 150 g sugar
  • 3 galbenusuri / 3 egg yolks
  • 8 g praf de copt / 8 g baking powder
  • 5-6 linguri apa sau smantana / 5-6 tbs water or sour cream
Crema / Cream

  • 150 ml lapte / 150 ml milk
  • 2 linguri marmelada (preferabil de caise) / 2 tbs marmalade (preferably apricot)
  • 1 lingura cacao / 1 tbs cocoa powder
  • 1 lingurita esenta rom / 1 tsp rum essence
  • 16 g zahar vanilat (2 pliculete) / 16 g vanilla sugar (2 sachets) 
Glazura / Glaze

  • 3 albusuri / 3 egg whites
  • 200 g zahar / 200 g sugar
  • ciocolata neagra  / dark chocolate
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

Foi / Layers

Se face un aluat din ingredientele mentionate mai sus care se imparte in trei parti egale, se intind si se coc pe fundul tavii tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Make a dough out of the ingredients mentioned above and devide into 3 egual parts. Roll them out and bake on the back of a tray lined with baking paper.

Crema / Cream

Una dintre cele 3 foi obtinute se sfarama si se amesteca cu ingredientele mentionate mai sus. Se amesteca pana se obtine o pasta omogena si care se poate intinde usor.
Crush one of the 3 layers and mix it with the above ingredients. Mix it until you get a a smooth paste which can be spread easily.

Glazura / Glaze

Albusurile se bat pe aburi impreuna cu zaharul.
Beat egg whites with the sugar on a double boiler.

Ansamblare / Assenbly

1. Pe o tava se aseaza una din foi peste care se intinde crema si se se acopera cu foaia ramasa.
On a tray place one of the layers, spread the cream on top of it and cover with the remaining layer.
2. Deasupra ultimei foi se intinde glazura peste care se rade ciocolata.
On top of the last layer spread the glaze on top of which you grate the chocolate.

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