Ingrediente / Ingredients
- organele de la un miel (inima, rinichi, ficat, limba, splina) / innards from a lamb (heart, kidneys, liver, tongue, spleen)
- 1 ou mare / 1 big egg
- coditele de la o legatura de ceapa verde / one bunch spring onion stalks
- 50 g unt / 50 g butter
- ½ legatura frunze patrunjel tocat marunt / ½ bunch of parsley leafs, chopped
- 2-3 feliute de paine / 2-3 small bread slices
- 100 – 150 ml lapte / 100 – 150 ml milk
- sare dupa gust / salt to taste
- piper dupa gust / pepper to taste
- 4 oua fierte tari si decojite / 4 hard boiled eggs peeled
- aluat de taitei / noodle dough
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation
1. Organele de miel se dau
intr-un clocot in timp ce taiem marunt coditele de ceapa verde si le calim in
1-2 lingurite de unt pana se inmoaie. Coditele de ceapa se dau deoparte si se
lasa sa se raceasca.
Boil the lamb innards while you
chop the spring onion stalks and cook in 1-2 tsp of butter until they get soft.
Keep the fried green onion stalks to the side and let it cool.
2. Feliutele de paine se inmoaie in lapte dupa care se
storc bine.
Soak the bread slices in milk and then squeeze well.
3. Organele de miel se lasa sa
se raceasca dupa care se dau prin masina de tocat carne impreuna cu painea
stoarsa si coditele de ceapa verde distuite.
Let the lamb innards cool and
after pass them through the mincing machine together with the squeezed bread
and fried spring onion stalks.
4. Dupa ce terminam de macinat
peste se adauga sarea, piperul, patrunjelul, oul si se amesteca totul bine.
After you are done mincing add
salt, pepper, parseley, eggs and mix everything well.
5. Intr-o tava de copt de cozonac unsa cu unt, se aseaza
aluatul de taitei cat sa acopere partea de jos si cele laterale ale tavii.
In a loaf pan, greased with butter, set the noodle dough so
as to cover the bottom and sides of the pan.
6. Se pune o parte din
amestecul din organe in tava, ouale fierte in linie, iar peste restul de
amestec din organe dupa care se acopera cu aluat (vezi foto). Deasupra se unge
cu unt si se da la cuptorul preincalzit la foc mediu timp de 40-45
Put some of the lamb mixture in
the loaf pan, hard boiled eggs in a line and over the rest of lamb mixture and
cover with the rest of the noodle dough (see picture). Grease the top
with butter and place in a preheated oven over medium heat for 40-45 minutes.
7. Se scoate din cuptor si se lasa sa se raceasca.
Take it out of the oven and let it cool.
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