Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cartofi acordeon “Hasselback” / Hasselback Potatoes

Ingrediente / Ingredients

  • 5 cartofi de marime medie / 5 medium sized potatoes
  • 1 ½  lingura pesmet  / 1 ½  tbsp breadcrumbs
  • 2-3 linguri unt / 2-3 tbsp butter 
  • sare de mare dupa gust / sea salt to taste
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1.Se incalzeste cuptorul.
Preheat the oven.
2. Se curata si se spala cartofii.
Peel and wash the potatoes.
3. Se feliaza cartofii la distante de 5 mm dar nu se taie pana jos. Se pune deasupra fiecarui cartof cate o bucatica de unt si se coc in cuptor timp de 25 de minute.
Slice into the potatoes about 5 mm apart but not all the way through. Top each potato with a small knob of butter and bake them in the oven for about 25 minutes.
4. Se scot din cuptor si se presara fiecare cartof cu pesmet si sare de mare. Din nou deasupra fiecarui cartof se pune cate o bucatica de unt.
Remove from the oven, and sprinkle each potato with breadcrumbs and sea salt. Again top each potato with a small knob of butter.

5. Se coc inca 35-40 de minute (in functie de marimea cartofilor) sau pana cand sunt aurii pe exterior si moi in interior.
Bake for another 35-40 minutes (depending on the size of the potatoes) or until golden on the outside and soft on the inside. 

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