Ingrediente / Ingredients
- 100 g nuci prajite si tocate / 100 g toasted and chopped walnuts
- 340 g morcovi razuiti / 340 g grated carrots
- 280 g faina / 280 g flour
- 1 lingurita bicarbonat / 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate
- 1 ½ lingurita praf de copt / 1 ½ baking powder
- ½ lingurita sare / ½ tsp salt
- 1 ½ lingurita scortisoara / 1 ½ tsp cinnamon
- 4 oua mari / 4 large eggs
- 300 g zahar / 300 g sugar
- 200 ml ulei / 200 ml oil
- 2 lingurite esenta vanilie / 2 tsp vanilla essence
Glazura din crema de branza / Cream Cheese Frosting
- 90 g unt / 90 g butter
- 340 g crema branza / 340 g cream cheese
- 350 g zahar pudra / 350 g sugar powder
- 2 lingurite esenta vanilie / 2 tsp vanilla essence
- zeama de la 1 ½ lamai / 1 ½ lemon juice
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation
1. Prancalziti cuptorul la 180
̊ C. Ungeti 2 tavi de diametrul 26 cm.
Preheat the oven to 180 ̊ C.
Grease 2 x 26 cm diameter trays.
2. Prajiti nucile aprox 8 min,
lasati sa se raceasca si tocatile. Curatati si dati prin razatoarea fina
Toast the walnuts for 8 minutes,
let them cool and chop them. Peel the carrots and grate them on the fine
3. Intr-un bol separat
amestecati ingredientele solide: faina, bicarbonatul, praful de copt, sarea si
In a bowl mix the dry
ingredients: flour, sodium bicarbonate, baking powder, salt and cinnamon.
4. Mixati ouale apoi adaugati
treptat zaharul si continuati sa mixati pana se omogenizeaza. Adaugati uleiul
apoi vanilia.
Mix the eggs then add sugar and
continue mixing until smooth. Add the oil then vanilla.
5. Adaugati apoi ingredientele
solide si amestecati doar atat cat sa incorporate faina in aluat. Cu o spatula
incorporati morcovii si nucile.
Then add dry ingredients and mix
just enough to incorporate the flour into the dough. With a spatula incorporate
carrots and nuts.
6. Turnati in tavi si dati la cuptor aprox. 30 min.
Pour into trays and bake for aprox. 30 minutes.
7. Scoateti din cuptor si
lasati sa se raceasca 5-10 min apoi scoateti-le din tava si lasati-le sa se
raceasca complet.
Take it out of oven and let it
cool for 5 to 10 minutes and then remove it from the tray and let it cool
8. Pentru glazura mixati
branza si untul la viteza mica apoi adaugati treptat zaharul pudra. La sfarsit
adaugati vanilia si zeama de lamaie.
For the frosting mix the cheese
and butter on low speed and then add powdered sugar. At the end add vanilla and
lemon juice.
9. Asezati un blat, glazura,
al doilea blat, glazura deasupra si se decoreaza.
Add a cake base, frosting, second
cake base, frosting on top and decorate.
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