Thursday, May 30, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Prajitura Mariana / “Mariana” Cake
Prajitura Mariana / “Mariana” Cake
Ingrediente / Ingredients
Pentru 3 foi / For 3 layers
- 500 g faina / 500 g flour
- 200 g margarina / 200 g margarine
- 150 g zahar / 150 g sugar
- 3 galbenusuri / 3 egg yolks
- 8 g praf de copt / 8 g baking powder
- 5-6 linguri apa sau smantana / 5-6 tbs water or sour cream
Crema / Cream
- 150 ml lapte / 150 ml milk
- 2 linguri marmelada (preferabil de caise) / 2 tbs marmalade (preferably apricot)
- 1 lingura cacao / 1 tbs cocoa powder
- 1 lingurita esenta rom / 1 tsp rum essence
- 16 g zahar vanilat (2 pliculete) / 16 g vanilla sugar (2 sachets)
Glazura / Glaze
- 3 albusuri / 3 egg whites
- 200 g zahar / 200 g sugar
- ciocolata neagra / dark chocolate
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation
Foi / Layers
Se face un aluat din ingredientele
mentionate mai sus care se imparte in trei parti egale, se intind si se coc pe
fundul tavii tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Make a dough out of the
ingredients mentioned above and devide into 3 egual parts. Roll them out and
bake on the back of a tray lined with baking paper.
Crema / Cream
Una dintre cele 3 foi obtinute
se sfarama si se amesteca cu ingredientele mentionate mai sus. Se amesteca pana
se obtine o pasta omogena si care se poate intinde usor.
Crush one of the 3 layers and mix
it with the above ingredients. Mix it until you get a a smooth paste which can
be spread easily.
Glazura / Glaze
Albusurile se bat pe aburi impreuna cu zaharul.
Beat egg whites with the sugar on a double boiler.
Ansamblare / Assenbly
1. Pe o tava se aseaza una din
foi peste care se intinde crema si se se acopera cu foaia ramasa.
On a tray place one of the
layers, spread the cream on top of it and cover with the remaining layer.
2. Deasupra ultimei foi se
intinde glazura peste care se rade ciocolata.
On top of the last layer spread
the glaze on top of which you grate the chocolate.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Carne de vita in sos de rosii picant / Beef in spicy tomato sauce
Ingrediente / Ingredients
- 800 gr carne de vita macra, fiarta / 800 gr lean beef, boiled
- 3-4 linguri ulei / 3-4 tbs oil
- 2 capatane de usturoi curatate si zdrobite / 2 heads of garlic, peeled and crushed
- 1 ½ - 2 lingurite faina / 1 ½ - 2 tsp flour
- 400 ml suc de rosii mai gros sau passata / 400 ml thick tomatoe juice or passata
- 150 ml apa / 150 ml water
- 1 ½ lingurita zahar / 1 ½ tsp sugar
- praf de ardei iute dupa gust / chilly powder, to taste
- sare dupa gust / salt, to taste
- piper negru macinat dupa gust / black ground pepper, to taste
- manuta frunze patrunjel tocate / a small hand of chopped parsley leafs
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation
1. Intr-o tigaie mare se incinge uleiul si se prajeste
carnea fiarta de vita pe pana se rumeneste pe ambele parti / Heat the oil
in a large pan and fry the boiled beef on both sides until brown.
2. Dupa ce se rumeneste se scoate pe o farfurie iar in
uleiul ramas (daca ramane prea putin ulei mai adaugati 1 lingura) se distuie
usturoiul avand grija sa nu se arda / After it is browned, take it out on a
plate and in the remaining oil (if oil is too little, pour one more tbs) and
fry the garlic, taking care not to burn it.
3. Cand usturoiul este distuit se adauga faina si se
amesteca si se prajeste cateva secunde / When garlic is fried add flour,
mix and fry for a few seconds.
4. Se adauga sucul de rosii sau pasata, apa si fierbe la
foc mediu amestecand continuu pana devine de consistenta unei smantani mai
groase / Add tomatoe juice or passata, water and boil over medim heat
mixing continuously until gets the consistency of a thick cream.
5. Se adauga zaharul, sarea, praful de ardei iute,
piperul si se amesteca bine iar in sosul rezultat se adauga carnea de vita si
se lasa sa fiarba 2-3 minute la foc mic / Add the sugar, salt, chilly
powder, pepper, mix well and in the resulted sauce add the beef and let it boil
over medium heat for 2-3 minutes.
6. Cand este gata se stinge focul si se presara
patrunjelul tocat / When done, turn off the heat and sprinkle the chopped
parsley leafs.
Biscuiti cu fulgi de ovaz, nuca de cocos si stafide / Oatmeal bisquits with coconut and raisins
Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- 150 g fulgi de ovaz / 150 g oatmeal
- 300 g de faina / 300 g flour
- 200 g de zahar brun / 200 g brown sugar
- 4 linguri de miere / 4 tbs honey
- 1 lingurita bicarbonat de sodium / 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate
- un praf de sare / pinch of salt
- 300 g de unt / 300 g butter
- 150 g nuca de cocos / 150 g coconut
- 8 linguri de lapte / 8 tbs milk
- 50 g stafide / 50 g raisins
- 1 lingurita scortisoara / 1 tsp cinnamon
1. Intr-un castron mare se
amesteca toate ingredientele pana se omogenizeaza bine / In a large bowl
mix all the ingredients until well incorporated.
2. Se rupe din aluat, se
formeaza biscuiti ca in urmatoarea imagine dupa care se pun intr-o tava
tapetata cu hartie de copt la distante mai mari pentru a nu se lipi biscuitii
intre ei in timpul coacerii / Split dough, form biscuits as it shows in the
next image and after place them in a lined tray with baking paper at a
distances so that bisquits won’t stick between them while baking.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Drob de miel in aluat / Lamb Haggis in dough
Ingrediente / Ingredients
- organele de la un miel (inima, rinichi, ficat, limba, splina) / innards from a lamb (heart, kidneys, liver, tongue, spleen)
- 1 ou mare / 1 big egg
- coditele de la o legatura de ceapa verde / one bunch spring onion stalks
- 50 g unt / 50 g butter
- ½ legatura frunze patrunjel tocat marunt / ½ bunch of parsley leafs, chopped
- 2-3 feliute de paine / 2-3 small bread slices
- 100 – 150 ml lapte / 100 – 150 ml milk
- sare dupa gust / salt to taste
- piper dupa gust / pepper to taste
- 4 oua fierte tari si decojite / 4 hard boiled eggs peeled
- aluat de taitei / noodle dough
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation
1. Organele de miel se dau
intr-un clocot in timp ce taiem marunt coditele de ceapa verde si le calim in
1-2 lingurite de unt pana se inmoaie. Coditele de ceapa se dau deoparte si se
lasa sa se raceasca.
Boil the lamb innards while you
chop the spring onion stalks and cook in 1-2 tsp of butter until they get soft.
Keep the fried green onion stalks to the side and let it cool.
2. Feliutele de paine se inmoaie in lapte dupa care se
storc bine.
Soak the bread slices in milk and then squeeze well.
3. Organele de miel se lasa sa
se raceasca dupa care se dau prin masina de tocat carne impreuna cu painea
stoarsa si coditele de ceapa verde distuite.
Let the lamb innards cool and
after pass them through the mincing machine together with the squeezed bread
and fried spring onion stalks.
4. Dupa ce terminam de macinat
peste se adauga sarea, piperul, patrunjelul, oul si se amesteca totul bine.
After you are done mincing add
salt, pepper, parseley, eggs and mix everything well.
5. Intr-o tava de copt de cozonac unsa cu unt, se aseaza
aluatul de taitei cat sa acopere partea de jos si cele laterale ale tavii.
In a loaf pan, greased with butter, set the noodle dough so
as to cover the bottom and sides of the pan.
6. Se pune o parte din
amestecul din organe in tava, ouale fierte in linie, iar peste restul de
amestec din organe dupa care se acopera cu aluat (vezi foto). Deasupra se unge
cu unt si se da la cuptorul preincalzit la foc mediu timp de 40-45
Put some of the lamb mixture in
the loaf pan, hard boiled eggs in a line and over the rest of lamb mixture and
cover with the rest of the noodle dough (see picture). Grease the top
with butter and place in a preheated oven over medium heat for 40-45 minutes.
7. Se scoate din cuptor si se lasa sa se raceasca.
Take it out of the oven and let it cool.
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