Sunday, September 23, 2012

Salata de fasole verde cu pui / Green bean salad with chicken

Ingrediente / Ingredients
  • 1 salata verde / 1 lettuce
  • 400 g fasole verde congelata / 400 g frozen green beans
  • 1 piept de pui (prajit pe gratar) / 1 chicken breast (grilled)
  • 3-4 catei de usturoi / 3-4 galic cloves
  • 1 rosie mare / 1 large tomatoe

Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Intr-o salatiera mare se aseaza frunzele de salata verde maruntita, cateii de usturoi tocati marunt, fasolea verde fiarta 3 minute si racorita, rosia taiata cuburi mari si pieptul de pui (prajit pe gratar) taiat si el cuburi.
In a large salad bowl put shredded lettuce leaves, finely chopped garlic cloves, green beans (that have been boiled for 3 minutes and cooled), large diced tomatoe and the grilled chicken cut into cubes.

breen bean salad with chicken

breen bean salad with chicken

breen bean salad with chicken

2. Se asezoneaza cu sare, piper, ulei de masline si zeama de lamaie.

Season with salt, pepper, olive oil and lemon juice.
breen bean salad with chicken

breen bean salad with chicken

breen bean salad with chicken

breen bean salad with chicken

                           Sursa retetei / Recipe source

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Brocoli si creveti copti / Roasted broccoli and shrimps

Ingrediente / Ingredients

  • 400 g buchetele de brocoli / 400 g broccoli florets
  • 30 ml ulei de masline extra virgin / 30 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ lingurita seminte de coriandru / ½  teaspoon coriander seeds
  • ½ lingurita seminte de chimion / ½  teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoons salt
  • 1 lingurita piper negru proapat macinat / 1  teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • praf de ardei iute dupa gust /  hot chili powder to taste
  • 250 g creveti / 250 g shrimp
  • 1 lingurita razatura coaja de lamaie / 1 teaspoons lemon zest
  • lamaie sau lime pentru servit / lemon or lime, for serving.

Mod de preparare /  Method of preparation

1. Intr-un castron mare se amesteca broccoli cu 15 ml de ulei, coriandrul, chimionul, sarea, ½ lingurita de piper si praful de ardei iute.
In a large bowl toss broccoli with 15 ml oil, coriander, cumin, salt, ½  teaspoon pepper and chili powder. 

roasted broccoli and shrimps

roasted broccoli and shrimps
2. Intr-un alt bol se amesteca crevetii, uleiul ramas (15 ml), razatura de lamaie, sare si ½ lingurita piper.
In a separate bowl, combine shrimps, remaining 15 ml of oil, lemon zest,  salt and ½  teaspoon pepper.

roasted broccoli and shrimps

roasted broccoli and shrimps

roasted broccoli and shrimps

3. Se imprastie broccoli intr-un singur strat pe o hartie de copt si se coace timp de 10 minute in cuptorul preincalzit.

Spread broccoli as a single layer on a baking sheet and roast for 10 minutes in a preheated oven.

roasted broccoli and shrimps

4. Se adauga crevetii pe hartia de copt si se amesteca cu broccoli.
Add shrimp to the baking sheet and toss it with broccoli.

roasted broccoli and shrimps

5. Se coace pana cand crevetii sunt opaci si brocoli este fraged si auriu pe margini, in jur de inca 10 minute,
Roast until shrimp are just opaque and broccoli is tender and golden around edges, about 10 minutes more.

6. Se serveste cu feliute (pene) de lamaie sau lime sau se stoarce lamaie sau lime peste creveti si broccoli inainte de servire.
Serve with lemon or lime wedges, or squeeze lemon or lime  juice all over shrimp and broccoli just before serving.

roasted broccoli and shrimps

roasted broccoli and shrimps

                                          Sursa retetei (cu mici schimbari)
                                           Recipe source (with small changes)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Chiftelute de curcan coapte (dietetice) / Baked turkey meatballs (dietetic)

Ingrediente / Ingredients

  • 700 g carne de curcan tocata / 700 g minced turkey meat
  • 1 ardei iute verde, tocat / 1 green chilli, chopped
  • 1 ceapa, tocata / 1 onion, chopped
  • praf de ardei iute, dupa gust / chilli powder, to taste
  • 1 lingurita coriandru macinat / 1 tsp ground coriander
  • ½ lingurita praf de chimion / ½ tsp cumin powder
  • un praf de nucusoara / 1 pinch nutmeg
  • 1 lingurita menta uscata / 1 tsp dried mint
  • 1 lingura pasta de ghimbir si usturoi / 1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
  • sare dupa gust / salt to taste
  • 1 lingura ulei extra virgin de masline / 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 albusuri de ou / 2 egg whites
  • ½ lingurita garam masala / ½ tsp garam masala
  • sucul de la jumatate de lime / juice of ½ lime
  • ½  legatura de patrunjel, tocat / ½ bunch of parsley, chopped

Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Intr-un castron mare se amesteca bine toate ingredientele.
 In a large bowl mix well all the ingredients.



2. Se formeaza bile de marime medie, uniforme si se aseaza pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.

Shape into evenly sized balls and place on a parchment-lined baking tray. 


3. Se dau la cuptor 45 minute - 1 ora sau pana cand se rumenesc (in functie de marimea chiftelutelor).

Bake them 45 minutes to 1 hour or until brown (depending on size of meatballs).



Saturday, September 1, 2012


Ingrediente / Ingredients

Pentru aluatul de pizza / For the pizza dough

  • 25 g drojdie proaspata / 25 g fresh yeast
  • 250-300 ml apa calduta / 250-300 ml warm water
  • 500 g faina / 500 g flour
  • 50 ml ulei de masline / 50 ml olive oil
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 tsp salt
  • 2 lingurite zahar / 2 tsp sugar

Pentru pizza (nu este o anumita cantitate de ingrediente, este in functie de dorinta fiecaruia).
For pizza (there is no quantified a  amount of ingredients, it’s according to your wish).

Pizza cu sunca, cascaval, ciuperci si margini umplute cu cascaval / Stuffed crust pizza with ham, cheese and mushroom

  • pasta de rosii sau  ketchup pentru pizza / tomatoe paste or pizza ketchup
  • prosciutto crudo / prosciutto crudo
  • sunca de curcan / turkey ham
  • sunca de porc (felii de sunca germana coapte in cuptor) / pork ham (oven baked german ham slices)
  • sunca de porc afumata / smoked pork ham
  • un borcan (170 g) ciuperci feliate / a bottle (170 g) sliced mushrooms
  • 200 g cascaval / 200 g cheese
  • parmesan ras / grated parmesan
  • manuta oregano proaspat tocat / a small hand of fresh oregano, chopped
  • fulgi de chilli dupa gust / chilli flakes, to taste
Pizza prosciutto e funghi

  • pasta de rosii sau ketchup pentru pizza / tomatoe paste or pizza ketchup
  • prosciutto crudo / prosciutto crudo
  • 1 borcan (170 g) ciuperci feliate  / a bottle (170 g) sliced mushrooms
  • 150 g cascaval / 200 g cheese
  • parmesan ras / grated parmesan
  • oregano uscat / dried oregano

Mod de preparare / Method of preparation


Aluatul de pizza / Pizza dough


1. Intr-un bol mic se amesteca drojdia cu 3 lingurite de faina si apa calduta. Se lasa sa stea la cald pana cand se activeaza, in jur de 10 minute.
In a small bowl, mix yeast with 3 teaspoons of flour in warm water. Let it stand in a warm place until activates, about 10 minutes.

2. Intr-un bol mare se amesteca faina, uleiul de masline, sarea, zaharul, mixul de drojdie si se framanta bine.
In a large bowl mix  flour, olive oil, salt, sugar and the yeast mixture and knead well. 

3. Se framanta bine pana cand se formeaza un aluat rigid. Se acopera si se lasa la crescut pana-si dubleaza volumul, aproximativ 30 de minute. Intre timp se preancalzeste cuptorul.
Knead well until a stiff dough has formed. Cover and let it rise until it doubles in volume, about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven.

4. Se scoate aluatul pe o suprafata bine infainata. Aluatului i se da forma in functie de  tava in care va fi coapta pizza.
Turn dough out onto a well floured surface. Form dough according to the shape of the tray you are going to bake the pizza in.

Pizza cu sunca, cascaval, ciuperci si margini umplute cu cascaval 
Stuffed crust pizza with ham, cheese and mushroom

1. Se incalzeste cuptorul. Se unge tava pentru pizza cu putin ulei de masline. Se aseaza aluatul in tava unsa. Se extinde aluatul pe laturile tavii.
Heat the oven. Grease the pizza tray with a bit of olive oil. Place dough in grased tray. Extend dough over the tray sides.

2. Se pune branza in jurul marginilor, se impatura marginile extinse ale aluatului si se apasa pentru a se inchide.
Place cheese around edges, fold extended edge of dough over cheese and press to seal.

3. Se intinde ketchup peste blatul de pizza, dupa care peste se pune uniform bucatile de sunca si prosciutto crudo rupta in bucati.
Spread the ketchup over the pizza base, then evenly lay over the ham pieces and prosciutto crudo torn into pieces.

4. Se imprastie ciupercile, urmate de cascavalul si parmezanul ras, oregano tocat si fulgii de chilli.
Scatter the mushrooms, followed by the grated cheese and parmesan, chopped oregano and chilli flackes. 

5. Se stropeste cu ulei de masline extravirgin si se coace pana este crocanta si aurie (15-20 minute, in functie de cuptor).
Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and cook until crisp and golden (15-20 minutes, depending on oven).

Pizza prosciutto e funghi

1. Se unge tava pentru pizza cu putin ulei de masline. Se aseaza aluatul in tava unsa.
Grease the pizza tray with a bit of olive oil. Place dough in grased tray.

2. Se intinde ketchup peste blatul de pizza, iar peste se presara oregano uscat.
Spread the ketchup over the pizza base and on top sprinkle dry oregano.

3. Dupa, peste se imprastie prosciutto crudo rupt bucati, ciupercile, urmate de cascavalul si parmezanul ras si din nou, oregano uscat.
After, scatter over prosciutto crudo torn into pieces, mushrooms, followed by the grated cheese and parmesan and again dried oregano.

4. Se stropeste cu ulei de masline extravirgin, ketchup si se coace pana este crocanta si aurie (15-20 minute, in functie de cuptor).
Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, ketchup and cook until crisp and golden (15-20 minutes, depending on oven).