Monday, October 1, 2012

Maioneza / Mayonnaise

Ingrediente / Ingredients

Pentru 340 g de maioneza / For 340 g of mayonnaise
  • 1 galbenus ou fiert  + 2 galbenusuri crude / 1 boiled egg yolk + 2 raw egg yolks
  • 400 ml ulei / 400 ml oil
  • 2 lingurite zeama de lamaie / 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 lingura de mustar / 1 tsp mustard
  • sare  dupa gust / salt to taste
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Intr-un bol se pun galbenusurile amestecand bine pana cand galbenusul fiert se amesteca de tot si  nu are cocoloase.

Place the egg yolks in a bowl and mix well until boiled egg yolk is mixed in well and without lumps.

2. Sa incepe sa se puna  ulei,  putin cate putin , timp in care se amesteca continuu conform acelor de ceas.

Start to add oil, little by little, during which you continiously stir clockwise.

3. Uleiul se picura incet (cate o lingurita) si se amesteca bine dupa fiecare lingurita pana nu se mai vede uleiul si abia apoi se trece la urmatoarea lingurita.

Dripp the oil slowly (1 tsp at the time) and mix well after every tsp until oil is no longer visible and then move to the next tsp.

4. Cand maioneza incepe sa devina consistenta, se poate adauga mai mult ulei.

When mayonnaise start to become consistent, you can add more oil.

5. In timp ce se toarna uleiul este indicat ca miscarile sa fie mai rapide pentru a nu ii da timp maionezei sa se taie.

While you pour oil the indicated movement is to be faster, not giving time to split.

6. Daca totusi se taie maioneza adaugati 1 lingura de apa dupa care se va simti din nou consistenta anterioara.

If you do split the mayonnaise, add 1 tbsp of water, then you will feel again the prior consistency.

7. Dupa ce s-a consumat tot uleiul se adauga mustarul, zeama de lamaie si sarea.

After all the oil is consumed, add the mustard, lemon juice and salt.

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