/ Ingredients
- 800 g carne tocata amestec (vita si porc) / 800 g minced mixed minced meat (beef and pork)
- 1 ceapa mare / 1 big onion
- 1 morcov mare fiert si taiat in bucati / 1 big carrot, boiled and cut into big pieces
- 1 ardei gras rosu / 1 big red capsicum
- 5 catei de usturoi / 5 garlic cloves
- 2 lingurite cimbru uscat / 2 tsp dried thyme
- mana plina frunze de patrunjel tocate marunt / one full hand of chopped parsley leaves
- sare si piper dupa gust / salt and pepper to taste
- fulgi de chilli dupa gust (optional) / chilli flakes to taste (optional)
- 2 oua / 2 eggs
- 4 felii de paine neagra inmuiate in lapte si stoarse bine / 4 brown bread slices soaked in milk and squeezed well
- seminte de susan (cat este necesar) / sesame seeds (as needed)
- seminte de in (cat este necesar) / flaxseeds as needed
- pesmet (cat este necesar) / breadcrumbs as needed
Mod de
preparare / Method of preparation
1. Curatam ceapa, cateii de usturoi si ardeiul
gras de seminte si cotor dupa care taiem toate legumele in bucati mari.
Peel the onion, garlic cloves and capsicum of
seeds and spine and cut it into big pieces.
2. Se pune in robotul de bucatarie: ceapa,
morcovul, ardeiul gras, usturoiul, painea si se mixeaza pana se obtine o pasta.
Place in the food processor: onion, carrot,
capsicum, garlic, bread and mix until you get a paste.
3. Intr-un castron mare se pune carnea iar peste
pasta de legume, 2 oua, cimbru, sare, piper, fulgii de chilli si pesmet daca
compozitia este prea moale (eu am pus 4 linguri).
Place the meat in a large bowl and add the
vegetable paste, 2 eggs, thyme, salt, pepper, chilli flakes and breadcrumbs if
the mixture is too soft (I added 4 tablespoons).
4. Pe o farfurie se amesteca semintele de susan cu
cele de in.
On a plate mix the sesame seeds with the
5. Din amestecul de carne se formeaza bilute de
marime medie care se dau prin amestecul de seminte SAU se tavalesc prin pesmet.
Form medium size balls from the meat
mixture and roll them into the seeds
mixture OR roll them through breadcrumbs.
6. Aseaza ciftelutele date prin amestecul de
seminte pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si se dau la cuptor in jur de 50
de minute iar cele tavalite prin pesmet se prajesc in ulei incins pana se
rumenesc uniform.
Place the meatballs rolled through the seed
mixture on a tray coated with parchment paper and put them in the oven for
around 50 minutes and the ones rolled through the breadcrumbs, fry them in oil
until brown all over.
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