Ingrediente /
- 120 ml lapte caldut / 120 ml lukewarm milk
- 2 lingurite zahar / 2 tsp sugar
- 1 galbenus / 1 egg yolk
- 30 g unt topit (racit) / 30 g melted butter (cooled)
- 1 lingurita esenta vanilie / 1 tsp vanilla
- un praf de sare / pinch of salt
- 15 g drojdie proaspata / 15 g fresh yeast
- 300 g faina / 300 g flour
Umplutura / Filling
- 50 g unt / 50 g butter
- 4 linguri zahar / 4 tbs sugar
- 3 lingurite scortisoara sau dupa gust / 3 tsp cinnamon or to taste
- zahar pudra / powdered sugar
- fulgi de migdale / flaked almonds
Mod de preparare / Method of preparation
1. In laptele caldut adaugam
drojdia si zaharul si lasam cateva minute, pana incepe sa faca o spuma
In the warm milk add the yeast
and sugar and let it sit a few minutes while the yeast foams up.
2. Se adauga untul, esenta de vanilie, galbenusul si se amesteca.
Add the butter, vanilla, egg yolk
and mix.
3. Faina se cerne impreuna cu
sarea dupa care se toarna peste amestecul de lapte si drojdie si se framanta
pana se obtine un aluat nelipicios.
Sift flour with salt and then put
over the milk and yeast mixture and knead until you get unsticky dough.
4. Aluatul de pune intr-un
bol, se acopera si se lasa la dospit timp de o ora.
Place dough in a bowl, cover and leave to rise for an hour (until doubled
in size).
Umplutura / Filling
5. Se amesteca untul cu
zaharul si scortisoara pana se omogenizeaza.
Mix butter with sugar and
cinnamon until smooth.
6. Aluatul se intinde intr-o
foaie cat mai dreptunghiulara.
Roll the dough in a rectangular
7. Foaia se unge cu amestecul
de zahar, unt si scortisoara, lasand 1-2 lingurite pentru uns deasupra.
Spread over dough the sugar,
butter and cinnamon mixture, leaving 1-2 tsp for glazing over.
8. Foaia se ruleaza dupa care cu
un cutit se taie pe lung in doua (vezi foto).
Roll up the dough, and using a
knife, cut the log in half length-wise (see photo).
9. Cele doua jumatati se
sucesc in forma de spirala lasand in exterior partea taiata. I se da forma unui
inel si cu grija se transfera intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Twist the two halves together,
keeping the open layers exposed. Form into a ring shape and carefully transfer
to a parchment lined baking tray.
10. Deasupra se unge cu restul
de umplutura si peste se presara fulgi de migdale.
Top with the remaining butter
mixure and sprinkle with flaked almonds.
11. Se coace timp de 30-35 de
minute, pana prinde o culoare
Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until
the top is golden brown.
12. Se scoate din cuptor si se
lasa sa se raceasca dupa care se serveste cu zahar pudra sau simpla.
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